Jealousy 0.5 -Mina

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Third Person Pov:

Mina was pacing around, calling you non-stop, calling the members to see if they knew where you were, your family, your friends. Anybody. But no one knew.

She knew she couldn't take anything back and she knew how badly she had messed up, she'd understand if you'd never forgive her or never want to see her face again but it still hurt.

How could she be this stupid? How could she let you leave? How could she let you slip through her fingers like that? How could she tell you she loved you now?

And telling you to get out of 'her' house, really? It was your shared house and you both knew that. Oh how she wished you snapped her back to reality sooner, it just pained her how harsh her words were, you stayed calm.

You only broke when she asked to break up. She wished she would've stopped and just brought you into her arms, apologizing.

If only you could be in her arms again.

If only, you would come back to her.


It's been months.

2 months? 3 months?

Mina's honestly lost count.

She prays everyday that one day, you'll find your way back to her. She barely been productive. But only the bare minimum, she does her laundry every two weeks, she showers every 2 days, changes her bed sheets maybe once or twice since the incident.

She doesn't really eat anything other than takeout to survive, so there's no dishes. She took out the trash maybe once? Mina was on hiatus. Taking some time off to just make herself someone others can look up to again.

She just kept praying that somehow, you would be hers again. She showered and changed, preparing to just take a walk around a park Her hair wasn't styled but it was neat, until she heard the front door open.

Honestly? she was too weak to even feel scared. A knock on the bedroom door, before it opened, she heard foot steps towards the bathroom, she didn't have the energy to close the door. The lack of sleep and food is really catching up to her.

"mina unnie" the voice made her eyes shook wide open. "you're so weak, you need to rest, have you eaten?" a familiar hand rested on her back and kept her steady. "y/n i'm so sorry" "sh.. it's okay, just get some rest, okay? i'll make you some food"

She laid her head in the crook of your neck. "please forgive me" "hey, we'll figure it out later okay?" "i was being so stupid. please don't leave. i need you." "mina.." "i'm really sorry, i'm stupid. i let you slip through my fingers, i'll never yell at you again, i'll never be like that again"

"breathe, mina. Let's get you to bed okay? you're in jeans and a tshirt, i can put you in some shorts?" "anything you think" You nodded.


"y/n?" "yes mina?" "im so sorry" she mumbled, "hey, look at me?" "hm?" "once you start feeling better, you can make it up to me, okay?" "so.. are you mine?"  You hesitated.




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