Tokyo Dome -Nayeon

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Third Person Pov:

You were a kpop singer but you also had songs just in english so it was kind of a mix between korean and english. You and Nayeon met about a decade ago in Jyp Entertainment.

You guys met in 2011 because you walked past each other a few times and honestly were pretty into one another. so that's how you started dating in 2013 and have still been together until now.

You were free and it was your anniversary, Nayeon was planning on just calling you since she had to go but she had no idea about what was going to happen.

You were already there. you were in twices dressing room before they were even there. The only person that knew about it was Jihyo, she was the person you told.

First, she's reliable, second, she can make it more surprising somehow with her intelligent ass ideas. And she did. you were standing there as Jihyo told Nayeon to go in first.

She was confused but she complied. You suddenly had an idea and before she could open the door you ran to another room to hide, Jihyo was confused but the staff quickly told her what was happening.

Jihyo nodded as everything went back to normal, At the last song, Jihyo spoke up before it started. "Now! You guys all know who y/n is right?" She asked and the crowd yelled out a yes.

"Since this last song, was written by both y/n and Nayeon, it was a song about how they started their relationship, we have a surprise!" Jihyo said again as she turned to Nayeon.

A small video started playing, it was a few clips and picture that the members have captured between the two of you making Nayeon chuckle.

Expecting that was it before the ending of the video said. 'turn around baby' It made Nayeon furrow her eyebrows in confusion as she tilted her head back.

Not even being able to fully turn back as you wrapped your arms around her waist, making a light gasp escape her lips. "hey darling" you whispered, making the crowd go wild.

The members all being in shock as Jihyo just chuckled, shooting you one of those motherly smiles that she sends the members when she's watching them have fun.

Nayeon turned around before kissing your cheek, and taking in a breath of the perfume that lingered on your clothes and body, "get your cute ass back stage, i'll see you later"

Nayeon mumbled, playfully shoving you to the back of the stage as the song started. After the song was finished and all of the members said their thank you's and goodbyes, Nayeon hurried backstage to see you.

She ran straight to you and wrapped her arms around your waist from the front. Letting out a content sigh. "i missed you" she breathed out making you smiled. "missed you more"

"Uh, excuse me, i helped you" "yeah, some other people are waiting for hugs from y/n here" Jihyo and Momo teased as Nayeon rolled her eyes. "she's mine"

"hell no!" "not a chance" "no way" "nu-uh" "not just yours" "what's yours is what's ours" The members said as Nayeon stuck her tongue out at them, still not letting you go.

"mine." Nayeon mumbles, keeping you held by your waist as you pull out of her grip making her whine. Sending her a teasing smile as the members came over to greet you, one by one.

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