Regrets -Dahyun

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i've done a similar thing for Momo and Nayeon so might as well do it for all of the members.

Break up series

Third Person Pov:

You sighed as you threw your phone on the empty spot beside your bed, wishing Dahyun was still there, she looked so happy on tour, you were a twice member but since you have solo songs, you go on different tours.

At different times, two weeks after their tour you're going on a tour and then you're filming a movie out of korea. It seems like you won't see each other for 10 months.

That's where you both agreed it would be better to just break up, knowing you'll just get more and more busy over time. The worst thing was she broke up with you, only a few hours before she left.

Dahyun thought if she left it wouldn't hurt her as much, not being able to see the pain she might put you through, she doesn't want to hurt you, she just thinks it's for the best.

You two were also distancing, mentally, emotionally and physically. Long distance, you guys were really bad at that, she would cry sometimes because of how much she missed you.

Dahyun always missed you when she or you are on tour but this time it's different, she still looks just as happy as when you're there with her, she seems even more happy then most normal tours.

She had obviously moved on, the members texted you saying the she misses you and that she hasn't moved on, it didn't matter how much you wanted to. but you just couldn't believe them.

You took in a sharp breath, getting out of bed, changing into a new pair of clothes, looking at the clock that read [1:39am] You grabbed your airpods and your phone.

You pressed play on the playlist that you made for her, all of the songs that reminded you of her or songs that she likes. You put your keys in your pocket before closing your front door.

Turning the volume up on your phone, putting your hand in your varsity jacket, walking around, until you found a park. You sat down on one of the benches, the street light shining on the bench you were on.

Leaning your head back with a groan. "i hate it here" you whispered as you took in another breath, keeping both hands on your face, after you had taken the breath in, you removed your hands and let out a heavy sigh.

You sat for about 3 more minutes until you realized, there was a milk tea shop that was open 24h a day, you walked in there, found a seat in one of the booths since every other place was filled with tables of friends, couples and families.

there was a window on your right side so you looked out of it until your drink arrived, "thank you" you mumbled as the waiter nodded, a side of fries was with it so you took a few bites of them.

Taking some sips of the rose milk tea you had ordered, you usually took Dahyun here since you got out of practice late and there's a park nearby. So you couldn't tell if this was helping or not.

But almost walked into someone on your way to the park, "sorry- y/n?" You froze, that voice. "dahyun, aren't you supposed to be on tour what are you doing here?" "it's finished, the last show was two days ago, i just got back yesterday night."

"oh" you muttered before trying to leave but she grabbed your wrist stopping you, "can we talk?" "here?" "no, you idiot. not in front of the store, at the park" "oh, sure?" Dahyun sent you a small smile before the two of you walked to the park.

Taking a seat on the bench, "so? why do you wanna talk with me, your ex girlfriend" you asked confused as a look of disgust and discomfort filled her face immediately, "because, i hate that your my ex girlfriend."

"and what am i supposed to do with that information?" "be my girlfriend again" "no way, are you mad? you broke up with me and then just left for tour, breaking up with me was your form of goodbye!"

"i know you're mad but seriously, i can't stop thinking about you, i miss you. a lot." A shaky breath left her lips as a sigh left yours. "maybe in the future, but for right now, i don't forgive you. Keep on trying, hyunie. I'll accept one day"

"then let's start off with you coming over for a movie and some quality time?" "okay"

You agreed, not knowing this was going to be the night of your lives, enjoying every moment together, forgiveness, love and admiration.

That was the night you knew you've found her,

You've found the one.

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