Jealousy 0.4 -Mina

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Third Person Pov:

"you started this!" "and you chose to continue it, i has the right to. When i felt a emotion, like jealousy. You yelled at me. I needed to prove that it's normal to feel that way, and you shouldn't be getting upset with how i'm feeling!"

"so what? you did it twice!" "because you told me to?" "i don't know. i don't like this. i don't like that when i start doing it, you suddenly want to stop it!" "it's not that i suddenly want to stop it-" "yes it is!"

"let me speak!" "fine. what ever you want, y/n." "it's not a sudden thought, i've been thinking about it since it started becoming a thing that was happening back and forth" "whatever you say" "don't be like this, unnie."

You mumbled, reaching for her hand as she pulled away. "you know what, maybe you're right" "huh?" "maybe, we should break up." "oh." "pack your things and get out of my house"

"your house?"

"it's under my name" "this is our shared house?" "so what. i was the one that bought it" "you're gonna throw away everything just like that?" "you're making this so dramatic. take your shit and go!" "go where?"

"away from here, it doesn't matter where. it's not my responsibility anymore." "can you please think about this? just so suddenly? over an argument? you're throwing away 4 years over an argument, mina?"

Your voice cracked as she stared at you, you couldn't read the expression. It was almost like.. annoyed? You just stayed silent, packing up your stuff.

Leaving a few things on the bed.

All the gifts she ever got you, you kept one letter but left the rest on the bed too.

You brought all of your stuff, putting it into the car, you returned to do one last thing. You took off the necklace and ring. You guys had promise rings and matching necklaces. You threw them on the floor, in front of mina's feet.

Maybe that snapped her back to reality or something? Her breath hitched as the words left your lips. "i fucking hate you." "y/n wait-"


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