Equally Obsessed -Mina

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Third Person Pov:

You know when you're so in love with someone, you're nearly obsessed? It's like a really big crush, you wanna know everything about them, you're always looking at them, you want to be with them all the time?

Yeah. Even after dating for 3 years, you and mina are still so crazy about each other, it's kind of funny at times.

"are you checking me out?" you chuckled as mina held back a smile and shrugged. "what if i was?" "you're cute." "mhm, sure i am. just kiss me." You left a kiss on her lips.


"heyyy" "hello, love." "what're you doing?" you muttered, wrapping your arms around her waist. "i'm making us some snacks, baby." "what kind of snacks?" "me" "oh?" "im kidding. it's some marshmallow and chocolate thing" "can i have both?" "hm?"

"you and the marshmallow?" a slight blushed coated mina's cheeks as her breath hitched. "do you really have to ask?" you both laughed. You kissed her shoulder blade before mumbling. "i'll be in the room, tell me when the marshmallow is ready" "20 minutes"

"ohh, okayy" "we have enough time for us to.." "to?" "you know" you shook your head with a small smile. "we can do it later so we have more time" "or.. we could do it now, eat and then do it again?"

"stop, you sex maniac" "and what about it?" mina raised an eyebrow, placing her hand on your shoulder. "you know you like it, darling. so hurry up and come to the bedroom with me" "fine, you horndog" "meanie" "sorryyy"


"i'm leaving for practice, okay love?" "waittt" "hm?" "are you not gonna wear a sweater over that?" "huh- no? it's hot outside" "it's a cropped tank and your pants are low rise" you mumbled. "i know, baby. it's just to practice"

"exactly, so why are you dressed so nicely" you whined into her stomach, still sitting down but wrapped your arms around her. Mina started patting your head a little with a chuckle.

"i mean.. i still have about 10 minute until i really need to go but.." "but?" she pushed you back into your chair and chuckled, straddling you. "a few kisses won't hurt" "i love you" "i love you more"


Mina was just sitting at the desk, writing down some lyrics, just thinking. She was slowly getting frustrated with how she couldn't think of any more lyrics. You took notice of this. You pulled her chair back.

You immediately leaned in and captured her lips against yours, "hm?" mina hummed, reached out, grabbing your waist, pulling you onto her lap. Your arms wrapped around her neck, the two of you sharing a few feverish, passionate kisses.

Lasting for a few minutes before you pulled away. A cute gummy smile made its way into mina's face making you smile too. "well.. i think i have one more lyrics to add now.." "what's the song about?" "well.." "hm?"



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