The crush -Tzuyu [0.3]

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Third Person Pov:

The time that seemed like forever finally passed, your exams were done and over with and it was the day you were leaving to korea. As soon as you got off the plane, you could feel your excitement rising.

Not only because you're not seoul and you get to see dahyun which you haven't seen in about 2 years. But you were more excited then you should be since tzuyu said she was gonna pick you up from the airport.

You told her she didn't have to but she insisted and you just had to agree. You gradient bring a lot with you, surprisingly, it was just a cross body bag and a backpack which made tzuyu very confused.

"that's it?" "mhm, im getting the rest of my stuff shipped here, too lazy to bring it all" she chuckled at your words before nodding. You looked at tzuyu for a few minutes before letting out a small laugh.

"you look like a nerd" "shut up" she laughed back making you shake your head with a light smile. "the unnies are at the dorm today?" "mhm, we got a day off" After tzuyu forced you.

You agreed to go to the dorm before your own place but only because she said the other members were waiting on you. You had a sweet conversation just about anything with tzuyu in the car.

Until you guys finally arrived at the dorm where the girls were excited to see you, mostly dahyun. You talked with them for about 5 hours before tzuyu decided to get you home. Which you agreed to.

She also asked you to hang out tomorrow, you also agreed. The next day, you woke up and got ready, just then tzuyu texted you to come over to the dorm first so you did. You went to the dorm and was immediately greeted by tzuyu.

You went into her room as tzuyu was putting on what seemed to be moisturizer since she said she wasn't gonna do makeup. "yah, how long is it gonna take you, yoda?" "just a minute~"

You didn't realize a pout had made its way onto your face, you often pout unintentionally, it just happens. "i don't like waiting" "well, you have to wait for me" tzuyu failed to hold back her smiled as she looked at you.

"well, i don't really have a choice" Tzuyu picked up the concealer as you watched her, "maybe just concealer" she mumbled, the members usually had eye bags due to their lack of sleep because of their jobs.

She used to concealer for that, only for that. So not really using makeup? "yah, you said no makeup, plus, you look the prettiest already" A small smiled tugged at her lips as she calmed herself before finishing blending in the concealer.

Tzuyu placed it down and looked over to you, "see? i'm done, that wasn't so long was it?" you just shook your head with a slight chuckle before the two of you left the room, seeing the rest of the members in the living room.

Tzuyu went to jeongyeon first since she was the closest, she was the only one that was in the kitchen. "morning unnie" you started as jeongyeon hummed, "hey" "it's our date day today" tzu told jeongyeon as she got confused.

"ah.. what date?" "eh??" tzuyu said back confused. "the 'date' date" you answered for the both of you. "i don't believe it, no way." "why? what's going on?" nayeon said as she entered the kitchen.

"heya" tzuyu said to nayeon before she asked, "what's going on?" tzuyu didn't have time to answer nayeon since jeongyeon spoke up first. "did you confession work that day? or soemthing?"

"ah, yeah, i fell for her" you chuckled jokingly before you guys talked for a little longer before tzuyu went to momo, "you're going with the manager?" she asked as tzuyu shock her head, "no, i'm going with y/n"

"ohh, i see, have fun" You guys went out, it was casual. There was paparazzi but it wasn't bad, since the members have literally named you the unofficial 10th member of twice, because of how close you are.

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