The crush -Tzuyu [0.4]

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Third Person Pov:

There was no way you could avoid tzuyu, you shared a room together and you're going on tour with them. You knew about your own feelings, you knew you had them. But it was hard for you to accept it.

Because of your phobia, you both had woken up and gotten ready, taking a shower, brushing your hair and teeth, breakfast. But not a word has been said. It was weird. You weren't used to being near or having tzuyu there but not talking to her.

Even if you were studying, you would break the silence or tell tzuyu to sing for you, just because you liked her presence. You were missing her dorky personality, she wasn't as bubbly as yesterday.

You didn't know if it was because of the talk last night or if it was because it's morning, but either way. Tzuyu isn't as cheerful as usual. She hadn't really smiled, you liked her smile. As well as her laugh.

The way her face scrunched up as she laughed. But as tzuyu left to go to the other members room, just to check up on them, you stayed and just thought. About anything but either way, your mind ended up to tzuyu.

You realized your the happiest when she's around, she cares for you and treats you with so much love. You smile when she's close, and no one else has made you feel this way, ever. So you decided.

To go find her, to talk to her properly. She deserved it. You put on your shoes and went to where you first assumed tzuyu was, Dahyuns room. The members have been hanging out there the most.

And you were right. All of the members were there, their heads turned to you as you felt somewhat nervous because of the the stares, "um.. tzuyu? can we talk?" "yeah.. what's up?" "alone?"

The members looked slightly worried and mumbling small, "tzuyu fighting" to her as she bit her bottom lip and gulped, all of them watched anxiously as she just nodded before getting off the bed, walking towards you as the two of you left.

"if this is about yesterday, i know your scared of these things, i should've been more careful, im sorry about that" She muttered, her voice wasn't as calm as usual, she sounded a little nervous.

"i talked to the unnies, and they said i should've told you in a better way instead of being so fluent with it and just confusing you" "no, it's okay, i'm okay. but um.. we didn't talk yet this morning so i thought we should talk properly"

"we should. you know, im sure now. That im not letting you go back to london, you're staying with me forever." "then how about we buy a house in a beautiful place and live together. You'll have me to yourself all the time"

"okay, when are we buying the house?" tzuyu asked making you chuckle since you were only teasing. "you really wanna have me all to yourself, huh?" "yeah. that's right" "okay then, im all yours from now on, is that okay?"

"are you asking me out?" Tzuyu smiled as you shrugged. "maybe, maybe not." "well.. either way, my answer is yes." "i think i might wanna give this a shot" "you should" "have you ever been in a relationship? how is it like for you?"

"i haven't but it's not that bad, the unnies have. If it's the right person. You'll be okay" "i don't know, who's the right person for me then?" "it's me, don't you think so?" she raised an eyebrow making you chuckle.

"you really wanna date me?" "i won't think twice about marrying you right now, i'll make you say yes somehow." She teased back making you roll your eyes back in a joking manner, "woah tzu, marriage talk? already?"

"but on a serious note, i don't want you to force yourself, okay? i want you to feel comfortable and always open up to me, i want you to feel safe." "girlfriend material" You muttered making her smile,

"i've heard people call you a bae before though" She said making you chuckle. "what're you thinking about now? focus tzu!" "do you wanna date or get married?" "date then marry" "so.. are you are mine?" "yes, you kiddo"

"you have to ask me out first" "what? no way, you ask me" "come on, just listen to this, isn't this a cooler story, the one that was scared of love was the one that asked?" You shook your head with a light smile before doing it since tzuyu told you to.

So you just went along with it. "so.. can i be yours?" "i'll think about it" she teased again making you lightly laugh. "teasing me again?" "always will" You smiled as she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the balcony,

It was morning and the sun was up, it was bright and the sky was clear. Sunny but not too hot. A beautiful day, that's for sure. "did you ever change your wallpaper to nayeon?" "nope, she didn't even send me the picture, im pretty sure she was just joking"

"i don't think she was joking i think she just forgot, such a grandma.." Tzuyu joked quietly, she had always called nayeon a grandma making you chuckle a bit, "should we go back to dahyuns room?"

"in a bit, i wanna be with you for now" "okay" you mumbled as she slid a little closer to you. Placing her hand on top of yours, lightly caressing it with her thumb, "is this okay?" you nodded causing her to crack a small smile,

"okay" "we've held hands before you dummy" "well, it's different now." "and why is that?" you raised an eyebrow, turning to face her as she did the same. "because now, you're mine" tzuyu mumbled, bring her hand up to your cheek, a smile making its way onto your face.

You guys just stayed like that for a few seconds before she spoke up, "maybe we should go to dahyun unnie's room now? the longer we stay, the more teasing there will be" you agreed but then remembered something so you stopped her half way.

"wait, before we go back to hyunie's room, let's keep this- or whatever we are a secret and let them figure it out on their own" "sure, and also why do you call dahyun unnie hyunie?" "ah, because, dahyun = hyun, unnie = ie"

"ooh, see, now that makes so much sense, ive always been confused by it" You just shrugged before tzuyu grabbed your hand and the two of you left to go back to dahyuns room. "so? what's you talk about?"

Tzuyu copied your shrug that you usually do, causing you to smile. The two of you took a seat, tzuyu sat on the bed again as you sat on a chair, near the desk. Which was near dahyun.

"y/n" "hm?" "did tzuyu tell you about her crush on you yet?" Nayeon asked as you hummed, "yeah, she did" "and what did you say?" "why don't you guess?" "im guessing you like her too but not ready for a relationship"

"same" "that sounds about right" The members just came to an agreement that that's what you said, they were kind of right, you liked tzuyu back and you both agreed to start a relationship but slowly and steadily.

Not rushing into things, doing soft and subtle things for now, not going any further as simple dates and some physical contact here and there, it was quite obvious that the main love language in your relationship was quality time.

You just enjoyed each other's company and being around each other, you don't have to be doing anything, if anything you could just be laying in a bed and looking at social media, yet it wouldn't be awkward.

But it would somehow become fun, you guys just click. Which is why you gave it a shot but the members didn't think you would, you seem like a very cautious person but that isn't exactly correct.

You just shrugged as you saw tzuyu look down to hide her smile. You shook your head with a light smile, knowing tzuyu was definitely going to be the reason you guys were gonna get caught.

You looked away, making eye contact with dahyun as she turned to tzuyu, "tzuyu likes you, god knows why, you're so.. you" "excuse you? i'm amazing" "sure" "i get a lot of things from you, so if i suck you suck too"

"excuse you! i'm amazing!" "so am i!" "y/n, dahyun, you're both great people, calm down" Jihyo said as the members were watching you and dahyun very confused yet they also found it funny.

Tzuyu just stared at you, happy knowing that she can finally call you her girl.

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