Jealousy 0.3 -Mina

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Third Person Pov:

Mina thinks it's easy not to get jealous, because you haven't made her jealous before. She doesn't know how it feels yet. So maybe.. it's time to give your special girlfriend a little pay back.

"hey, sha. can i ask you a favour?" "of course" "get the members after i tell you- not mina though!" "weird.. but okay! tell me first!"


And that is how this started. "sana could i please borrow y/n for just a-" "no mina, we're making some cookies right now, weren't you the one that wanted to watch the movie instead? It's sadatzu and y/n that chose cookies." "fine.."


"tzuyu? where are you going with- y/n?" "we're getting some more snacks of course" "why? don't we have enough?" "no, we ate them all, even the cookies" "of course we did.."


"momoring? what are you doing? you and y/n never hang out alon-" "we're about to win the game" "hey! games are my thing with y/n! she's my girlfriend!" "sorry mina! i can't really focus on what you're saying, gotta win! y/n go left" "what the.."


"mina? why don't you come play this mario game with us? it's just me right now" Momo asked as mina agreed, "wait- just you? where's-" "y/n? she's with me" Jeongyeon cut in before you smiled a bit.


"okay! fine! enough! what is going on and why is everyone taking my girlfriend away from me?! first it's 'baKInG sOmE cOOkiEs' Then it's 'oH shEs dOiNg ThIs wITh mE!' when will i ever get to hang out with MY girl!" "after our turns, of course" "like i just said, she's MY girl."

"jealous now, are we?" "what? of course not! why would i be?" "come on minari. Admit it i'll give you, 'YOUR' girl back" Jeongyeon teased as mina grumbled something under her breath. "speak up now"

"give her back to me, unnie. im serious." "admit you're jealous." "fine! im jealous. happy? now, give me back y/n." "you're jealous too. see? can't get mad at me anymore" you said with a small smile as Minas eyes widened.

"y/n asked us to do this" jihyo said with a small smirk before nayeon continued, "seems like you are a jealous person, huh minari?" nayeon teased making mina roll her eyes. You chuckled a bit but then mina turned and whispered into your ear.

"laugh for now, just know you're in trouble once we get home" you eyes widened a bit before turning back to her, "yeah.. uh i think im gonna go with jeong-" "no, stay with me" "bye lovely!" "hey! no- y/n!"


"you asked them to help make me jealous?" "so you don't get upset with my anymore" "that's not fair.. i was jealous because i didn't have time to spend with you, not because someone was taking you away from me.. romantically"

Okay then, time to do that.


The next time you guys were out at a club with the other members you told them what you were doing as they all chuckled and laughed a bit. "good luck. we already know minas a jealous person. I wanna watch this" "me too"

You had gotten a friend to make this even more realistic, for the first about 20 minutes, mina hadn't realized so sana pointed it out, you sat at the bar and there was a girl there, as had a hand on your arm, softly caressing it.

Mina immediately stares daggers at her girl, but once mina saw you laugh and the girl smirk the members saw her grip tighten around the glass she was holding before chugging it and placing it on the table.

Continuing to glare at the girl with her arms folded over her chest, "you okay mina?" "fine." "you took your girl all the way here just for someone to steal her from you" they continued to add fuel to the flame as mina grumbled.

"i'm giving her 5 minutes to take her hand off of my girlfriend." she grumbled as sana turned to the members with a small smirk, knowing this was working. But once the girls hand landed on your own and you didn't pull away.

The other hand dropping to your thigh, mina's breath hitched as she gripped onto the table, only getting up once her hand on your thigh started slowly moving up and towards your inner thigh as she softly caressed it.

Mina got up and pulled the girls hand off of you, "she's mine." "she didn't say that" "oh yeah? well i'm telling you now. so beat it before sometime really fucking bad happens." mina grumbled as the girl sighed and got up, winking at you as you smiled a bit.

"you owe me" she mouthed as you nodded before she left the place as mina grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the side of the club towards the stairs, bringing you up into one of the spare rooms.

Mina quickly paid for the room and opened it as she pulled you in, locking the door. "what the fuck was that?" "what was what?" "don't act all innocent with me now. how would you feel if i did that!" "jealous"

"exactly that why i- this is one of your experiment things isn't it?" You smirked as she groaned, "you are gonna get punished so bad for this. you're in a lot of trouble, y/n." "oh yeah? you can't get upset with me when i'm jealous now" "watch me"


"you're so beautiful" "thank you!" the girl smiled as you raised an eyebrow, paying for the stuff as mina continued to flirt with the girl. You didn't say anything just got your stuff and got in the car after about 30 minutes she came out.

"you left without me" "took you long enough." "why'd you leave without me?" "i didn't want to see anymore. i saw enough." "saw what?" "stop it, minari. not in the mood" you muttered as she mentally smirked.

"why?" "unnie" you muttered as she placed a hand on your thigh, you placed your hand on hers, intertwining your fingers and putting both hands on the driving stick. "you're not mad at me.." "im not"

You said back as she stared at you confused "but" "but we need to talk" those words made mina's heart drop straight into her stomach. "we're not breaking up right?" "no" "what is it?"

"that if we keep playing this stupid game of continuously making each other jealous, we won't last." "oh." "we need to fix this" "you started it" "but i had a reason to" "i had one too!" "can you wait until we get home?!" "fine!"


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