Change Days. -Tzuyu

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- I'm not a big fan of this song but i'm still gonna write about it because why not. Based off of the song 'bitter truth by sunny suljic'

- Also based off of changed days (korean series) same couples as the ones in season two just another mlm one, you started the show on nov 1st ended the show on nov 14

- Might not make sense but oh well

- (m) = male role (f) = female role, ages are in []

- The couples are:
1. Kim hyeyeon (f) [26] + Kim taewan (m) [24]
2. Choi Yunseul (f) [25] + Min Hyogi (m) [25]
3. Choi Huihyeon (f) [23] + Lee Jeonghun (m) [23]
4. Kim Jiyu (f) [27] + Kim Dohyeong (m) [28]
5. Lee Hyeseok (m) [24] + Jung Eunhoon (f) [25]
6. Chou Tzuyu (m) [23] + Jeong Y/n (f) [22]

Third Person Pov:

You started dating tzuyu in mid 2016, you started dating in april to be exact so it's been a little over 6 years, it's currently the start of november of 2022. You two didn't even tell the members that you were dating.

It's been a secret since you confessed which was in january of 2016. You see tzuyu talking to other people, you know. Of course you know but tzuyu doesn't know that you know. She flirts and talks like she wasn't taken.

She hides everything that has anything to do with you, romantically wise. Not 'friendship' wise. Tzuyu always tells you these sweet little lies that you know are lies but you've tried to believe them.

You like how comfortable she makes you feel when you're alone, you like how loved she makes you feel. Even if it's fake or even if it's only for a moment. But now you've grown. Mentally and physically.

You would much rather take bitter truth then sweet lies. You planned on talking to her tonight, tzuyu was laying in your shared room. you were roommates since that's was the results you got when you played a game to set up the roommates.

Tzuyu sent you a small smile as she put her phone down on the night stand, "hey love, tired?" she asked as she sat up and grabbed your waist when you were looking in the closet which is infront of the bed.

She pulled your onto her lap, wrapping her arms around your waist and placing her head on your shoulder, leaving a few pecks before cranking her neck to kiss the side of your neck. "are you okay?"

Tzuyu whispered as you pulled out of her arms, "i'll wash up then we'll talk okay?" you muttered as she nodded and went back to her spot, grabbing her phone and saying this before you entered the washroom.

"love you" your breath got caught in your throat as you closed the door, you gulped before you took a quick shower, drying your hair and brushing it, brushing your teeth, skincare and taking in a few breaths and leaving the bathroom.

"so.. you wanted to talk about something?" Tzuyu said as you sat down on the bed, she grabbed your arms and pulled you down to her, Placing your head on her chest as she caressed your cheek, softly.

Usually it would be comforting but you needed to talk to her about this, you lightly grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand down, you could tell she was confused but you sat up and ran a hand through your hair.

Tzuyu also sat up after you as she was confused. "what's up?" "tell me what you're thinking, i can't read your mind." you whispered as her eyebrows furrowed, "what?"

"tell me what you feeling, i don't wanna waste time." "i'm just confused, that's all, where is this going?" "i'll be honest with you here, I'll take bitter truth over your sweet lies" Tzuyu's breath visibly got stuck in her throat.

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