Revealing your relationship -Momo [Requested]

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-This is quite similar to my Tzuyu one, so, enjoy?
-3 year dating ban doesn't exist

Third Person Pov:

You and Momo had recently revealed your relationship to the public, there was obviously hate, with korea being homophobic and all of that but right now it didn't matter. No one can forced the two of you to stop loving each other because it wouldn't work.

This was your first vlive since revealing your reading your relationship, it was an ot10 one so you guys had to be there, but you two were just in the back, the rest were sitting on the bed and on the ground.

You two were also on the bed but in the very back, Momo was on your right, one arm draped on your shoulder and the other hand caressing your cheek, she muttered something just to you so no one could hear it.

You just nodded in response, staring into her eyes which were focused one your lips, you two knew you could flirt and stuff on camera but you weren't aloud to kiss. She just nodded at your nod before you both heard all of the members chuckling.

The two of you pulled away confused as you looked at the members, "what?" momo asked confused as Jihyo looked between the two of you, "the live started, lovebirds" "see what we have to deal with?"

There were two types of comments, one which said 'aww' 'they're adorable' 'i would love to live with them, they're like an old married couple' and the others were 'i used to be ot10 until jeongyeon, mina, momo and y/n, now i'm ot6 because ew.'

The other members were already pissed because of those type of comments but ignored them to keep the vlive in a fun mood. You and momo on the other hand weren't even acknowledging that you two were live.

You held momos hand before bringing it up to your lips, leaving a lingering kiss on the top of her hand. Momo just pulled you into her arms, the two of you cuddling in the background, you guys were just in your own world.

Until Jihyo snapped you two back to reality, you ending up sitting beside momo, it been a little over an hour since the live started and you two have communicated with fans and answered some questions so you weren't exactly just in your own world.

You let your head fall onto your girlfriends shoulder as your eyes slowly fluttered closed, the members looked at the two of you from the live, the maknae line were all dating the jline, you and momo, chaeyoung and mina, tzuyu and sana.

But you were the maknae so they all adored and took care of you the most. Momo planted a soft kiss on your forehead causing your eyes to open, "sorry, i thought you were gonna fall asleep so i gave you a goodnight kiss"

You smiled at her words before moving your body to sit on her lap, facing her, Momo held back a smile, even once's could tell that she got butterflies, you dropped your forehead onto her shoulder once again.

"sweet dream baby, i love you" momo muttered but it was silent so everyone could hear, a few of the members jaws dropped, some of their eyes went wide, the rest stared at you two and the camera in shock.

"love you more" you replied, although it was quite and muffled, they could hear it clearly. "you wanna go to bed? i'll carry you there, the live is ending soon anyways" you shook your head, taking in a breath.

"are you sure?" you nodded against her neck again, "okay darling, i love you, sleep well, i'll carry you after the live ends, kay?" "mhm" you hummed, slowly drifting off the sleep in her arms.

"sleep well my love, i'll see you in the morning" Momo muttered against your skin, the members all staring at the sight of their two members so in love.

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