Only her. -Dahyun

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A/n: Tbh idek if this makes sense.

Nayeon Pov:

Dahyun.. she wasn't exactly someone who is selfish and doesn't spend her money, but she is smart with it. She's sweet and giving, yes. But in gifts. Like getting flowers, or something sweet and small.

She's not the type to just pay for a strangers meal because she thinks their pretty. She spends carefully. Dahyun has to think and rationalize before making a decision on buying something. She's not cheap. Just.. smart.

She's always claimed that she will never spend a single dollar on any lover or romantic interest until it's serious. Until like.. a year in?

"Dahyun-ah! pay for me!" "why? where's your card?" she wouldn't even pay for me. Which is why all the members are sitting confused from the story, as dahyun laid on the floor, her cheeks blushing. what in the..


Dahyun Pov:


In a café. Just in a random café. I just went in because it was raining. I ordered a drink and sat down, but a few tables away from me. a girl. She wasn't even that pretty. okay.. maybe she was a little pretty.

Not like drop dead gorgeous but she was pretty. pretty eyes. a pretty jaw. pretty hair. a pretty nose bridge. pretty skin.. okay. fine. she is kind of pretty. and she's writing? Is it bad that i'm curious to what she's writing?

She seems tall. She has a laptop, a notebook and a pencil. Studying, maybe? who knows. She not pretty. She is not pretty.

...No, she's so pretty. Literally i don't know what to do with myself. I was just supposed to be here to get away from the rain. And now all of a sudden i can't take my eyes off of her.

She's not that pretty.

Okay, she is that pretty.

Ah, i don't know.


"Hey.. i saw you from my table and i just though you were pretty so i bought you a cake pop and a flower. It's a rose, pretty, no?"

I smiled softly. What in the world am i doing?! Okay. I literally had to ask them for a flower, but it and pick a random cake pop that matched it, which was the pink and red one.

I never thought i would buy a girl these things and give them to her first.

She smiled softly at me and nodded. "Oh, really? Thank you. are you alone? would you like a seat?" woah i was not expecting her voice to be pretty too. "uh.. sure, yeah. i'll sit with you.."

I'm literally an idol..

What am i doing?


We laughed. We couldn't stop laughing, she was funny. so funny. so sweet and so pretty. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. i didn't want to stop talking to her. God, she's so my type.

I got her number.


So this is where we are now. im with the members and i've been talking about her for god knows how long. I'm usually not this expressive, so at first they listened carefully and seriously, now they're just giggling and laughing.

"I'm serious! i actually like her!" "Yeah, yeah. we're just surprised you would spend money on her and act like.. this." "She's literally my type, unnie! she's so-" "okay, okay we get it. you're getting married"

"yeah so- im getting what?" "what's her name?" "Yn." "you've never spent money on anything just because?"

"Only her."

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