Jealous -Mina

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Just a short part :)

Twice goes back home after a JYPE nation concert, but you're in a bad mood because you're tired but also there's jealousy sparking.

Third Person Pov:

"y/n-ah" mina said as you guys were in the car driving home, you didn't reply so she called you again, "y/n, love" "i heard you the first time" you mumbled under your breath but still glanced over to her.

Mina didn't say anything but parked the car in front of the house before the two of you went inside. As you were laying on the bed, you heard the door open, mina walk in and then she closed the door behind her.

"back in the car, what was that?" "mina-" you cut yourself off with a soft yet slightly shaky breath, "i don't have the energy right now" "then you shouldn't have started this. are you mad at me?"

"i'm not mad just.." she raised an eyebrow telling you to continue. "back at the concert, well.. i didn't like how close you were with him, you were practically hugging the whole stage, i could already hear the rumours spreading"

"well, i can hug whoever i want" "i didn't mean it like that" "then how do you mean it? because it really sounds like you're trying to be possessive over me" It was silent for a few seconds until mina's phone rang.

"who is that?" you mumbled as she raised an shrugged, "why would i tell you?" "minari-" "you're right. we're too tired for this, let's talk tomorrow." She got off the bed and walked towards the door. "goodnight" "mina, wait"

She had already walked out and you just couldn't help but groan. You lied back down, knowing the two of you just needed space and that you'll talk about it tomorrow. But you couldn't sleep.

y/n pov:

I just kept thinking about what to say to mina, do i apologize? do i tell her about how you feel? did i over react? i don't tell her about how i feel often, and i did but not fully and she's already reacted like this.

im so confused..

Am i in the wrong?

A/n: I hate this.

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