I regret it. -Nayeon

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Third Person Pov:

The night she confessed to you, she was drunk. But in the morning, after sobering up, she told you she would never see you more then a friend and that she really liked this guy. It's been 3 months since then.

Not only have you lost a crush, you also lost a best friend. Which is why it was so shocking when nayeon suddenly changed your contact name and texted you.

-Nayeon changed y/n's contact to y/n/n <3-

Nayeon: Can we talk?

Y/n/n <3: i don't know, can we?

Nayeon: Please? i really need to talk to you

Y/n/n <3: fine, when?

Nayeon: As soon as possible

Y/n/n <3: i'm home, not doing anything

Nayeon: I'll be over in 5

Y/n/n <3: doors open

Once you heard the front door close, you kept on your side as nayeon locked on the door, "nayeon" you muttered as she opened the door and pecked her head in before sliding in and closing the door behind her.

Nayeon sat down beside you with a soft sigh and after about a minute of silence you spoke up, "you wanted to talk, talk." "i messed up." "hm?" "i messed up, really badly." "what did you do?" "i lost you."

"we can still be friends, but just give me some time i don't know if i can-" "no. that's.. not what i meant" "oh" "y/n.. do you still like me?" "little bit? i don't know. It's- i'm confused. since you stopped talking to me"

"you stopped talking to me" she teased as you chuckled a bit, "you ignored me in the halls" nayeon continued as you looked at her, realizing that she was playing with her fingers, proving how nervous she was.

"i didn't know much i liked you.. until i realized, that i couldn't live without you. Every moment, every second, every step away from you was like torture. Everytime i saw you it hurt that i wasn't beside you.

i always knew i liked you as a friend but.. i never knew i was in love with you, not until you walked past me like you never knew who i was. Like you've never seen me, like we never talk.. like.. you hated me."

She whispered the last part making you sigh softly before opening your mouth but nayeon stopped you, "i'm not finished, let me finish before you say anything.. okay?" You could only nod as she continued.

"I was stupid. i was stupid, blind and selfish. I left you there. I left you crying. The image hasn't left my mind, the way your eyes softened, eyes never lie, i knew how hurt you were.. and i can't believe i just left you there"

"it's-" "no. wait. i'm not done. I was stupid to not realize i loved you. I was blind, i was dumb. You've been hanging around a lot with sana recently and i.. i got scared. I ran. I was scared you fell for her, that you loved her. And if you do.. i'll always be here"

"nayeon.." "i was scared. i was scared i lost my chance with you, i was scared you found someone better. I knew i had to talk to you, i knew i needed you. I didn't know how much i loved it needed you until i was alway from you"

"you're repeating yourself" you chuckled as she cracked a smile and shoved your shoulder jokingly, "shut up, dummy. i have more to say, okay? so shush" "yes ma'am" "cute." "thanks?"

"so.. i never thought i could feel so much for a person. And i just desperately need you to take care of me because i'm a mess all the time. I may have great friends and a great life but.. no one and nothing is as important to me. as you."

"finished?" "not exactly but if i say anymore i'm gonna sob so for now, yes" "so answer this, how do you feel about me, in 5 words?" "i'm in love with you." "i feel the same" "huh?" "i'm in love with you too, nayeon."

"you are?" "mhm" "so.. what are we?" "what do you want us to be?" "married" "what?" "girlfriends" she caught herself, ignoring her slip up as if it never happened. You laughed a bit, "okay."

"okay?" "if you wanna be girlfriends.. then we're girlfriends" Her eyes brightened, smiling widely before kissing the top of your head. "great! let's go on an ice cream date!" "nayeon wait!" "let's go, no time!" "idiot"

You both laughed before she dragged you to the nearest ice cream shop.


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