Accident -Chaeyoung

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Third Person Pov:

You and the twice members were on tour, once you got to Paris, (Where you're from) Your brother was there so you decided to follow the bus on a motorbike.

You've driven motorbikes for so long that you usually don't wear helmets, Today when you were changing lanes, as you just changed the car right infront of the car infront of you,

suddenly changed lanes, making it hit the side of the bike, making it tip over and all of the gas to leak out. The driver of twice bus gasped a few staff members saw what happened.

"Holy shit!" One of the managers said as they looked out the window. "What happened?" Nayeon asked as they turned around, looking at Chaeyeong.

"What happened? I wanna know too? why're you all looking at me?!" She said confused as the staff quickly looked around, debating on who should tell her.

"Uhm, no one freak out but, y/n just got hit by a car" They said as Chaeyoungs phone literally slipped out of her hand. "What? Shut up, tell me this is some sick joke." She mumbled as she ran a hand through her hair.

"it's not, i witnessed it live action, she doesn't seem hurt though. She'll be fine Chae" The members looked worried and shocked. They were always extra protective of you.

You were the maknae, of course they were protective of you. Mostly Chaeyeong, she was your girlfriend. She felt like she was going to cry but no tears were coming out.

If anything she felt like she wanted to scream. Scream at the top of her lungs. Her heart was beating against her chest. Rapidly. The panic slowly setting in.

She wanted to speak. So badly. She couldn't, she wanted to hope you were okay, she wanted to believe the staff but she couldn't. She was going to say to the members you were going to be alright.

Trying to convince them, mostly herself but all that came out of her mouth was a small whimper. "Chae, shes gonna be fine. the staff said it themselves, don't worry" Jihyo said.

All of the members slightly panicking but hiding it. You in the other hand, just got up and closed the gas opening thing, you brushed it off as the person that changed lanes just moved on.

You drove to them and looked at them like 'what the fuck' They just stick the middle finger at you making you scoff, you let them go forward again, as you stayed behind them,

you moved back to behind the bus the other members were on making the staff sigh in relief. "She's okay" Chaeyeong lifted her head as she moved to the front.

Seeing you continue to drive the motorbike normally, making her breath out a small breath of relief. "My girl is okay" she whispered under her breath so only she could hear.

You saw Chaeyeong in the rear mirror making you smile. mouthing a 'i love you' making her lightly blush and send you a small heart that only you could see before she went to the back.

Opening the window slightly so you could see her and she could see you since she was the only one in the back. She stared at you focusing on the road,

pulling out her phone and snapping a few photos, the members noticing and chuckling at how in love she was. She seemed so relived that you were okay,

they were as well but Chaeyeong was more relived then the others, and they knew that. Chaeyeong looked at you and realized your sleeves were slightly pulled up.

Revealing the matching tattoo that you guys had, she took a video, zooming in and then pointing the camera on her arm, showing hers and then posting it in Twices insta.

With the caption, 'She gave all of us a scare today but she's okay, be more careful y/n/n, im watching you -chae'

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