2wice date -Dahyun

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Third Person Pov:

While discussing the pairs that will go, all of the members got to pick a pair that they thought once's would like to see and/or a pair they would like to see.

The couple that was most voted for by the members was you and dahyun, they wanted to know how you two acted as the couple in twice, and for once's, you guys were tied at the top with Michaeng.

So you guys agreed and your date, luckily was planned on your guys anniversary, one day after Dahyuns birthday. May 29th, editors were gonna try to get it out on that day as well.

Fans always celebrated your anniversary like a birthday, right after 'happy dahyun day!' it was, 'happy y/s/n day!'. Dahyun always enjoyed how it was right after her birthday.

So you turned on the camera, setting it up, saying hello before turning on some music, listening to the songs that you used to write and sing before you joined twice.

You made some food before keeping it on the stove for the sauce to thicken, it was like an appetizer since you guys had planned to go out. You popped some cookies in the over before making some frosting, knowing Dahyun liked decorating cookies.

After you placed the frosting down, putting it in a few small bowls, you did the dishes, waiting for everything to finish baking a cooking, Once the sauce that is going to be put in a bread bowl.

That is now in the oven, putting some mozzarella cheese on it so the top can be golden brown. You heard a voice squeal as a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind.

"baby!" you heard Dahyun squeal as you chuckled, "morning my love" "it's noon and i just came back from getting us drinks" she chuckled making you shrug. "what'd you get?" you asked as she pulled out a bag.

"why are there four drinks?" you raised an eyebrow as she hummed, "i couldn't pick between which ones i wanted and i couldn't pick which one you would like between these two" you rolled your eyes as she pouted.

"place them on the table, i made-" "oh my god! frosting!" she cut you off, placing the drinks on the kitchen counter, running to the bowl, quickly washing her hands on the way as she dipped her finger in it, placing it in her mouth.

After she dipped her fingers in, using a different finger everytime, "want some?" Dahyun questioned making you raise an eyebrow, "no, but i think that's enough, those are for the cookies"

"you made cookies?!" she said shocked as she went to open the over but you stopped her, "it's hot and not ready yet" "aww.." she whined before placing the drinks on the dining table.

Pausing as she looked at the kitchen counter where the bag was, "you were filming?" "yeah?" "hi once!" you held back a smile at the sight of Dahyun talking to the camera.

"anyways, happy anniversary baby, love you" Dahyun whispered before walking towards you making sure the camera couldn't catch it as she pulled you into a soft yet sweet kiss. "love you too"

And for your date, it consisted of you two eating until it was 2pm when you spoke up, the two of you agreed to go on a walk, similar to your first date. Walking around the park just talking about whatever.

Going to a near by bakery, sitting down beside each other, facing out the window. "should we tell them about our first date?" Dahyun asked, signalling to the camera as you nodded, "sure"

"okay so! you guys already know how we met, i was so irresistible she just had to ask me out" Dahyun said proudly as you raised an eyebrow. "uh? excuse me? you asked me out, what are you on about?"

"okay maybe.. i asked y/n out but! she wanted to ask me out first! she was just too shy to!" "also not true but go on" "shut up, anyways. We went on a date, we got drinks and walked around the park, then we went to watch the sunset, after we ate dinner and went home"

"you tried to kiss me" you added as Dahyun looked at you confused, "i did?" "babe, you seriously don't remember our first kiss?" "wasn't it when we spent our first night in the same bed?" "no?" "i kissed you on our first date?"

"yeah?! you really don't remember?" "are you sure?" "yes babe, im sure" "well then.. sorry" She whispered making you roll your eyes with a light chuckle, "just remember next time, idiot" "okay, okay, i got it, i kissed you on our first date"

The two of you just drank a few drinks, she got a chocolate milk, warm. And you got a green rose tea, the two of you just sipping on your drinks in silence as you guys stared out the window. "why're we so quite?" "i don't know, i think it's the vibe of this place, we're not usually like this"

You just nodded in agreement as you two fell back into a comfortable silence. Giving it a few more minutes until you finished your drink, looking over and seeing Dahyun's drink was also empty.

"done?" "yup" you nodded again, grabbing your guys empty cups and throwing them out before taking Dahyuns hand into yours, also grabbing the camera as you two left. "you wanna grab dinner or do you just wanna chill first?"

"it doesn't matter, i'm not that hungry so i was thinking maybe we can just go to home and cuddle a little?" you agreed as you two walked back to your shared house, it was about 20 minutes before you turned to her.

"i'll set up the camera, get ready, kay?" "okay" Dahyun whispered before she grabbed hers and your clothes, you set up the camera so they could see the bed as you both changed off camera before Dahyun climbed into bed first.

You crawled into her arms, your arms wrapped on top of her waist as your head was facing the crook of her neck, taking in a breath of her scent "i love you" you mumbled as a smile slowly crept onto her face. "I love you more"

And by the end of the date, you just had dinner and talked about random things, it was normal for you two but for fans and the members, they loved it. You guys had no idea why, they just loved it.

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