wyd now? -tzuyu

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based off of the song: wyd now by sadie jean
they lyrics are at the end so yeah :)

Third Person Pov: 

You and tzuyu dated from 2013-2016. You broke up due to her debut, you tried to pull it past but it just wouldn't work, you guys broke up. But tzuyu is very much not over you. So she wrote this song for you.

Not knowing.. you were in the crowd watching her. Feeling the exact same way, thinking she had forgotten about you by now since she has so much going on but it's obvious she hasn't. Tzuyu was the last solo stage.

They each had a solo stage, you glanced at your phone and pulled it out, taking a small video of her on stage and looking at her contact, wondering if it's still her number. You didn't care. You were going to go to their next fan sign.

You texted her. You were going to the next fan sign and made sure if it was her number. You glanced at how the girls all made their way on stage. She was right though, you were never in the back, always front row.

You still are right now. They way she still has the hoodie and shirt you gave her, not only that but she still wears it. It shocked you how it still fit her. You got taller. You and tzuyu are both tall now.

You used to be the same height as her, now you're taller. She almost 5'8, you're almost 5'11 You're still only about an inch or two taller then her. You both grew up, you both changed visually, not a lot.

But there's definitely a change, she could tell it was you, but only if she saw you. You needed her to. But it wouldn't work, you knew wouldn't work if you didn't try, so you planned. The fan sign. This was gonna happen.

Tzuyu said she still wanted to try this with you, she wanted you guys to try again. 'you're still everything i want and i think we could work this out' You smiled softly. You felt the same, this was the feeling you always wanted to feel again.

This type of kind of like closure or hope that this could be something again, because you were friends since you were kids too, but the way you just stopped talking.. it hurt. You knew she needed this closure as well.

The break up was neither of your guys faults, you both still loved each other, you just decided to let go. But now, you both make music. She's just famous, you prefer to keep it lowkey. You're an influencer.

That also makes music and you went to law school, this was your last year in school. If she knew your stage name, she could've found you instantly but she didn't, that's why it was so hard.

You waited until you got home and pulled out your phone, opening her contact and typing a message. Letting your thumb hang over the send button for a few moments before just pressing send and placing your phone down.

'please tell me this is still you, tzu?' you changed and got ready for bed, laying down and grabbing your phone. She texted back, 2 minutes ago. 'who is this?' she didn't have your contact saved.

But she's changed her phone many times, so you understood. 'tzuyu, this is you, right?' 'yes but who are you and how did you get my number?' 'your first love, dummy' You saw her typing before stopping.

You were confused but then suddenly a face time call rang in, from tzuyu. you placed your phone in your desk, before sitting up and sitting at your desk, answering.

"holy hell, you look like you" tzuyu muttered as you chuckled, "oh my god. you texted me, it's been 6 years" "you didn't change your number" you smiled as she chuckled, "i'm glad you texted me.. i missed you."

"i know" "how?" "you were right" "about what? i'm always right." she teased making you raise an eyebrow again, "i'm always front row. never back" She froze. "you were in front row tonight?!" "mhm"

"you heard the song and thought it was about you" "excuse you? '17 in my apartment' yes, it's about me. I was the one that said were gonna live in an apartment together and paint the walls a light sage and put plants up"

"we can still make that happen" "woah, hold on there. This is our first time talking in 6 years. relax on the moving in together" you softly chuckled as she laughed. "what? you don't wanna live with me?"

"not yet, you stay there" you pointed at her making her smile. "you wanna say hi to the unnies?" "woah- what?" "you knew them for a like a little over a year, they still adore you" "oh?"

"say hi to them! they're in the living room, i'll bring you to them" You shook your head with a small laugh as you agreed. "Unnie! jihyo unnie!" "what's up tzu?" "you guys remember y/n right?"

"oh yeah, y/n. you should get over her, we have no idea where she is, she's probably dating someone else now, she could be dead for all we know. We can't find her tzu-" "are you dating someone?" tzuyu asked the phone as you shook your head.

"no, not right now" "are you dead?" "nope, very much alive" "see? she's single and alive" "you have her number?!" "oh yeah! this was the point! she texted me! she was at our show tonight" "wait, really?"

"yeah! look" she turned the phone as you turned to the phone and waved. "woah! you still look like you!" "that's what tzuyu said" tzuyu smiled, she looked proud of herself. "see? she's alive and single, so she's still mine"

She stuck her tongue out before running to her room. "i'm still yours?" "shut up.. well, do you still wanna be mine?" "we barely know each other-" "i haven't changed." You sighed before looking at how hopeful she was.

"yes, i still want to be yours." "are you in seoul?" "yeah, tzu, of course i'm in seoul" "meet me here, let's get ice cream" "at this time?" "it's only 10pm, why? you sleep late" "i do" you muttered.

"then let's go, okay? i'll text you the address." "fine, i'll see you in a bit" And once you got there, tzuyu was standing there, "were you waiting long?" "nope, i just got here" "good. it's kind of cold, no?"

"little bit" "why aren't you keeping warm? you'll get sick. jesus christ, woman." you mumbled, going to your car and opening the door, grabbing a sweater and putting it over her shoulders, zipping it up.

"ha, you're tiny" "excuse you, you're barely taller then me" "still taller" "i hate you" "you love me" "sure i do" she said sarcastically.

Soulmates always find a way to come back.

Lyrics to the song:

I saw you in the back of my show last night
Standing underneath the exit sign
I know it wasn't really you though
'Cause you were always in the front row
And I've been looking for love online
And maybe some of them are real good guys

They're never gonna be like you though
You set the bar above the moon so
I don't wanna be 20-something
And still in my head about
17 in my bedroom talking
You said that by now we'd
Paint the walls of our shared apartment

You're still everything I want and
I think we could work it out
So what are you doing now?
Now that you finally got the job you like
I'm making money off the songs I write
I know you said that I could call you
I wonder if you wanna call too

Now that the future doesn't feel so far
It doesn't seem as wrong to want what's ours
And after everything that's happened
I wanna put it in the past tense
'Cause I don't wanna be 20-something
And still in my head about
17 in my bedroom talking

You said that by now we'd
Paint the walls of our shared apartment
You're still everything I want and
I think we could work it out
So what are you doing now?
Are you with somebody?

Should I even care?
Know you're not as happy
As when I was there
In your faded T-shirt
That I've kept this long
I still hear you laughing
When I put it on

I know
I don't wanna be 20-something
And still in my head about
17 in my bedroom talking
You said that by now we'd
Paint the walls of our shared apartment

You're still everything I want and
I think we could work it out
So what are you doing now?

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