Mine -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

Raving. To go to raves, you should wear the least amount of clothes as possible. Your outfit was really simple and it looked good.

The shirt was see through and so we're the pants. They were white though. White but see through, you wore a white thong and a white calvin klein bra. Clear white glasses too, they were sunglasses so the lenses were shaped like flames but they were so white.

The white heels completed the look as well as a small bag, just for your phone. It had a spot for cards so you had your card and id in the phone case. You looked great. Since not only were you fit, you were also tall.

Your legs and arms were long, you waist was small but also toned, you didn't exactly look feminine or masculine, Your silver jewelry went really well with the outfit, you had your ears pierced on the top as well as the usual place.

The bracelet and necklace set that you had on worked really well with the outfit as well. The members saw you as well as the members and they all liked it. It suited you well and it was good since you were going raving.

You looked good. Tzuyu had to admit that.

But the thong and bra.. she trusted you completely. If you wanted to cheat, you would. But she knows you. You wouldn't do that. But she just didn't like the thought of people looking at you like that and going up to you.

You also smelt good. It usually makes people turn heads, since you use really classy and casual scents, it's charming. You have really good hygiene as well, people like the way you smell.

You were about to leave, you took a shot before you were going to leave with your friends but tzuyu told you to wait and come into the washroom with her.

"Wait. Don't go yet. I trust you but i'm not letting you just go out like that, come here." She grabbed a lip stick from her bag as your eyebrows furrowed but did as she said.

Tzuyu pulled you to the bathroom near by and her lips immediately attached themselves to your neck as you whined, your eyes squeezing shut as she sucked lightly, leaving soft kisses and marks on your skin.

Your breathing got faster as you gripped onto her shirt, "tzuyu.." you whimpered as she hummed. "yes, love." "god." you groaned as she left two mark on your neck, one on your jaw and a few on your chest.

You gasped, panicking as you felt her leave a few on your thighs. Once she pulled away, she put the lipstick on, grabbing your face, leaving a kiss an inch under you eye and a kiss on your cheek on the other side of your face.

Tzuyu left a few more on your body before she wiped away the lipstick from her lips, leaving a small kiss on your lips. She grabbed the bottle of body paint that the stylist's had saved in the washroom.

It was glow in the dark, good. She thought for a second. "Pink or green?" "Pink" you muttered, she nodded, pouring a little on her hands, she cupped your boobs, although your bra was still on. It left a mark as you chuckled, she did the same.

But then she reached down, cupping your lower body. Waiting a few minutes as she washed the paint off her hand and let it dry on your skin before you put the clothing back on. "Can i leave now?" you teased as she hummed.

"Sure. Do you need money?" "No, i'm okay" "I sent you a million won. don't drink too much" she muttered, leaving a kiss on your lips, walking out, leaving you chuckling to yourself.

And honestly,

You left the rave early just so you could be with her.

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