Classmate -Jeongyeon

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Third Person Pov:

You and Jeongyeon, you were friends, not close but you still talked here and there. You got sick and it lasted a while, causing you to not be able to arrive to school for almost 2 weeks. Jeongyeon had never asked you for your number.

She wish she had because now, she just keeps on catching herself wondering what had happened to you? Until one day you walked back into class, you went to sit in your normal seat but jeongyeon had stopped you.

Oh and did i mention? you've had a crush on her for the past 2 years, not knowing jeongyeon has silently been crushing on you for even longer. from the first moment she saw you, she's had interest in you.

Jeongyeon noticed you didn't have a pencil so she passed you one before mumbling, "can i have a piece of paper?" you nodded, grabbing each of you a piece of paper as she smiled, "thanks, where have you been?"

"i've been home, i got sick like really badly" "awh, i hope you're okay" "i'm feeling a little better, it's still there though. So i get cold more easily kinda? and my throat still hurts a bit" "well i missed you"

She muttered, grabbing something from her bag, pulling out a cough drop, unwrapping it and putting it in your hand, "there, to help your throat" "oh- thanks" "no problem, what're you writing?" "the notes?"

"you were listening?" "you werent?" She huffed out a breath, "i don't know what to write." you passed her your paper, "there, i'll help explain to you, if you're free at lunch?" Oh her friend group is definitely gonna understand.

"momo, sana" jeongyeon called out as they turned to her, "i'm with y/n at lunch today, tell the others im not coming" they with small teasing smiles as jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "anyways, yeah. i'll go with you"

You nodded, "we have gym after this right?" "yeah, i think we're going outside" "are you kidding? i don't have a ducking sweater" "you have a turtle neck on, you'll be okay. It's not that cold."


Jeongyeon put the zip on, on her before walking into the gym and outside, once you've been outside for about 20 minutes, she noticed you were shaking slightly, the only reason she wore the zip up was for you.

She remembered you said you got more cold when sick, she she took it off and put it on you. "i'm sweating, and you're shaking so don't think too much of it" she tried to play it off as cool making you laugh a bit, nodding.


"and that's why cortes won against ivan" you explained as jeongyeon just nodded. "are you even listening?" "huh? of course i am" "yeah? then repeat what i said." "uh- this sword is sharper" "you're not wrong, but no. pay attention" "yes ma'am"

... "Jeongyeon!" she loved the way her name sounded coming from you. "mhm?" "you're listening this time right?" "kind of?" "oh my god. you know what i'll just read as you take notes, then you have to work with what you have"

"hey!" she yelled out as you took the pieces of paper away and gave her a blank one. "there, now listen carefully" She nodded. Finally, she was writing as you read the explanations and information.

"and done" you muttered, "no, don't stop talking. your voice is like- it's calming me right now" you laughed a bit, placing a cookie in her mouth. Patting jeongyeon a head lightly. "and there you go, your reward"

She squeezed out a thank you before taking a few more bites and finishing off the cookie. Without the both of you realizing, this was the start of something incredible.


Part 2??

Little_Jihyo it took a while but still, as promised. here's the chapter :)

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