Leaked -Jihyo

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Red and Blue pt.2

Third Person Pov:

You groaned as your eyes slowly fluttered open, you immediately grabbed your phone to check what the time was, looking down, noticing Jihyo was still holding you by your waist, making you smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion from all of the text you were receiving from your siblings. You shook it off but was still slightly concerned since it was only 5:30am.

You and the members had the day off so you tried to fall back asleep but your curiosity got the better of you, you grabbed your phone, unlocking it and checking the messages.

You were in shock. You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing things, someone hacked into the camera in twices practice room, the video of you and jihyo making out was leaked.

You didn't want to wake her but you knew that you had to. "babe, jihyo, wake up" you whispered, running your hand up and down her arm, "what is it? are you okay? what time is it?" she groaned.

Opening her eyes but groaning as she saw the sun hasn't even gone up yet, meaning she still had time to sleep. "i'm sorry for waking you but, this is important"

With those words leaving your lips Jihyo grew concerned, opening her eyes immediately sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, letting out a small yawn before turning over to look at you.

"are you okay? what's going on?" "you know how we- never mind, i think it's better if you see yourself" you whispered, passing your phone to her.

A gasp escaped her lips as she scrolled on instagram, twitter, youtube, tiktok. It was everywhere. your ship name was trending. They could hear everything you were saying in the videos as well.

"what the.. what do we do?" Jihyo asked as she turned over to you, "you're leader, i'll wake the others, we're talking about this in the living room." "i'm coming with you, Nayeon unnie is going to freak."

"but she'll be even more protective of us" "your positive ass, we have young viewers!" "oh.. right" you mumbled as Jihyo rolled her eyes, "why're getting mad? take a breath before we go" you said as she shook her head.

"we don't have time, the company is gonna call us soon, let's go" She pulled you up, "wake the maknae line, i'll wake the unnie line" she guided causing you to nod.

After all of you woke up the members all got the living room groaning and muttering things under their breath which was probably swears. "what the fuck did you wake me up for" Nayeon said as Jihyo turned the tv on.

"this." she whispered, everyone was frozen in shock. as soon as she turned the tv on, headlines, youtube videos, articles, tweets, it was shocking to see, Momo and Chaeyoung were still half asleep so they thought they were hallucinating.

"is that article about y/n and jihyo making out in our company and the video got leaked because a random hacker hacked into the cameras?" Momo asked confused as you all nodded.

"what the fuck." "what do we do now?" "it's already out so.. there's not a lot we can do, but for right now, Jihyo and y/n are gonna get even more hate then they already do, so if anything we should defend them and/or protect them"

Nayeon put out as the other members agree. "yeah, i think that really is all we can do, i had to tell you or else you would all be waking up to Nayeon unnie getting a phone call and all of you end up waking to her screaming."

"yeah, this so better then.. that" chaeyeong groaned. "great, now that you know, you can all go back to sleep while me and Jihyo have a mental crisis in our room, goodnight!" You said as you grabbed Jihyos wrist pulling her into your shared room.

You quickly texted your siblings back before shutting your phone off, your eyebrows furrowed at Jihyos expression as her head was on the back board of your bed, staring at the wall.

"hey, what's wrong? are you upset? that this happened for because i pulled you away?" You asked as she sighed, "how are you not upset, that's us! a video of us, got leaked. It was a make out session too."

"it is what it is, being upset can't do anything to fix it, plus everyone happens for a reason right?" "i gues-" "wrong! i think this is bullshit! who in the actual fuck does that, leaking videos of people making out, like what if one of the members were changing their shirt in there!"

You scoffed making your girlfriend chuckle, "so you are upset?" "maybe a little" you raised an eyebrow, replying sarcastically causing her to smile at you, "i love you, a lot. like, a lot, a lot" Jihyo whispers, pulling your arm.

She made your head fall onto her upper stomach and lower chest as she ran a hand through your hair. "what's up with you and saying i love you recently, huh?" you questioned confused as she shrugged.

"i'm just telling my girlfriend i love her, is that a problem future park?" she asked back making you smirk at her confidence, she's always had a lot of it but not like this. Not the point where she started talking about marriage.

"and who said i was taking your last name?" "oh come on, what if the members decide to play a game one day where you change your initials, i wouldn't be able to do that if i took your surname"

"but just listen! jung jihyo, sounds good right?" "butttt park y/n, doesn't that sound even better?" "whatever you say, park" "going back to how we talked when we were trainees, now are we jung?"

"you're so weird, weren't we just yelling earlier, why are we like this?" "i don't know, but i like us." "i never said that i didn't" you teased making her chuckle.

"screw it, everything we said in the video was true, we're a couple, they know we have been for 8 and a half years and they know that, couples kissing and making out is normal, why does it matter, we're adults, no one can tell us what to do"

Jihyo said as you raised an eyebrow holding back a smile, "mhm" you hummed before she continued  "so why are they making a big deal out of this, it's true, i love you, a lot. So they suck, why does it matter. I'm yours and you're mine"

You just nodded as she continued, "like hello? i love you and you love me, that's how relationships work, everything that was shown in that video is normal so like, i get that it's because we're idols and stuff but it doesn't need as much attention as it's getting"

"mhm, get it babe" you muttered just loud enough for her to hear, "what are they gonna do? take us away from each other? how're they gonna do that? i swear if we have to be the new Hyuna and Dawn so be it."

"yes queen, slay.." you whispered, this time just so you could hear. "i don't care, i'll give up everything that i have just to be with you and everything would me fine, it would all be okay so why are they even trying like, you know how long it probably took for them to hack in"

"long time babe" "exactly! so why are they wasting their time on something we don't even care about, are they even getting paid for this? i mean if they were getting paid then i get it but like just for clout? damn." "yup, get it babe, slay queen"

The next 4 hours was just Jihyo ranting and you just cheering her on from a spot on your bed as you listened to her. telling her that she slayed, saying words like, period and purrr and stan because yes.

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