i promise. -momo

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i love you, i always will - pt.2

Third Person Pov:

Heechul and Momo ended up not working out. She wasn't like herself for the next few days, kind of like when you broke up. When apparently according to her, that wasn't the reason why she was upset.

"Momoring, you really need to us what's wrong" "she hates me. she fucking hates me. what do i do?" Momo whispered as she turned over to Jihyo.

"Who?" Chaeyeong asked as Mina shook her head. "y/n!" "ohhh, your fault-" "chae!" Sana mumbled as she hit Chaeyeongs shoulder. "what? i'm not lying!"

"oh my g-" "what the hell is going on over here, man, i just woke up. i dont wanna witness this? why is Momo crying? why did you all get so shocked when i- you know what, never mind. i don't wanna know" You said as you shook your head and rubbed your temple.

"i'm gonna go back to my room. i'm dying" you said before walking back to your room. Making Momo look over at the door of your room. With a loud groan, pushing her head into pillows.

"i want her back" "then get her back?" "oh wow, who would've thought. you know, i never thought of tha- WELL NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK." Momo said glaring at Jeongyeon who was clueless.

"huh?" jeongyeon and tzuyu both said making Momo groan once again. "just go to her, she's sick, take care of her if you want her back" Momo nodded as she turned to Mina.

"Some useful advice, thank you." She muttered, sending a grateful smile to Mina before Sana stopped Momo, "walk in and ask her if she's drank medicine yet, if not then get her some, either way, grab a water bottle first"

Momo hummed as she ran to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle before lightly knocking on your door, making you hum but it came out more like a groan.

"hey, you" Momo said softly as she closed the door behind her. "momo, hey? what's up?" you turned around and pushed yourself upwards, leaning your head against the bed frame.

Momo placed the water bottle onto your desk and she walked over to you, placing the back fo her hand on your forehead, frowning at how hot it was.

"Did you take your medicine yet?" "no, i don't need it-" you started but got cut off by momo leaving. She came back with a small pill, cracking open the water bottle.

"ah" Momo whispers, making you open your mouth as she used her thumb to place the pill inside, carefully lifting your chin up and pouring the water into your mouth.

Once you swallowed, she put the water away as she washed her hands, removing her hoodie along with your shirt. "you'll get cold" she mumbled, lightly blushing, pulling the hoodie over your head.

"thank you" you muttered as she sent you a small yet sweet smile. "yeah, of course." Momo gulped as she turned over to you. "i-uhm.. i have something to tell you"

"hm? what is it?" you questioned as Momo started playing with her rings. "we broke up. I broke up with him." "Heechul?" "yeah. him" Momo said as you raised an eyebrow.

"May i ask why?" "because you're the only one i love." She whispered as your eyes slightly widened. "what?" "i'm sorry i didn't wait, i tried to get over you but i couldn't"

"Momo, what? you can't just leave someone? honey, you broke his heart" "but i would've broken it more if i kept this inside" You nodded as a light sigh escaped your lips.

"what made you realize?" "what?" "that you still loved me?" "everything. everytime i closed my eyes you were all that i could see, everytime i looked at Heechul, he no longer looked like himself but, you."

"maybe in the future, i'll take you back. but not now." you said as Momo nodded. "can i atleast try?" "try what?" "to make you fall in love with me again, enough to take me back?"

"I never said i wasn't in love with you." you muttered under your breath as Momo hummed confused. "what was that?" "huh? nothing, i agreed" you replied as she smiled.

"alright." she mumbled before pecking your forehead. "i'll be back in a few, get some rest." Momo said before walking towards the door. "I'll make it up to you, i promise, darling." She mumbled to herself, leaving the room.

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