"Losing her" -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

Tzuyu. The tzuyu that spent years trying to make you hers, the one that listened to each and every one of your heart breaks, swearing she would never do the same.

You were in the practice room, you and twice were extremley close too, you were dahyun's cousin after all. You looked at the guy.. he very obviously liked tzuyu. You've argued about it before.

She sees him as a brother and doesn't like him. So also believes that he sees her as a sister. She didn't believe you when you said he liked her.. but it was so obvious?

This month.. they've gotten closer and its honestly destroying you. So when they were at a boxing gym for a TTT episode.. you did mma. They knew that. This was the place you went to actually.

You were in a room, just doing somethings with the punching bag as they were filming, one thing though. You didn't wear any gloves. So your knuckles were bleeding pretty badly.

There were robot machines that were replicas of humans, they were programmed to move and fight the way someone who has been training in this gym. And usually, you beat every one of them.

The members have all seen a video, you were brought out to do it live in front of them, but something in you couldn't do anything.. you froze up. You just let it hit you. Until you were on the floor bleeding.

You sat on your bottom as you used your arms to keep your upper body off the ground. You didn't say a word, just breathing slightly heavy until a figure walked into the room.

And thats when you lost it. A sigh of relief left your lips. "Babu" you mumbled, she pulled you into her arms, rubbing your back softly as tears streamed down your face, sobs leaving your lips. "Shh.. hey, its okay. just breathe, yeah?"

Nathalee.. a girl you called babu. A girl that has been your best friend since the age of 4. She pulled you out of the room as the manager sighed softly.

"You're losing her, tzuyu. you know that?"

Tzuyu looked confused.


"Do you know.. how many times shes cried to me? cried to me because in her mind.. shes losing to him? She said she lost you, tzuyu. She said it with her own mouth. And im not sure how much longer she'll hold onto you for. But im saying it now.. if you don't fix your act.. you're gonna lose her."

Tzuyu looked slightly confused. "No, but-"

"Cut him out of your life, before she cuts you out of hers."

She was stunned, stumbling over her words but left the room to go after you. "Please." Tzuyu pleaded as your friend looked at her, sternly mumbling a "no." "give me a chance to talk to her? please."

She pleaded once more, the friend finally huffing, leaving so tzuyu could kneel down in front of you. "im sorry" she whispered as you looked away from her, her brought her thumb up to wipe your tears away softly.

"I'll stop talking to him, yeah?" "mm.." you whined as she kissed the top of your head. "i promise, i will.." You huffed as she sighed. "im sorry. let me make it up to you? stay with me?" "i don't know."

"Baby, look at me." You turned to face her as tzuyu nodded softly. "i'll prove it to you again? i prove why im worth trying to love again?" you sighed. you hated how you couldn't deny her. "fine.."


"So.. are we okay? are we good?" You nodded. "yeah.. yeah. we're okay." Tzuyu let out a breath of relief, she didn't even know she had in her as she wrapped her arms around your waist. The past month has just been her efforts of trying to get you to trust her again.

"Fuck. i love you." she mumbled against your neck. "i love you too, tzu." "and i'll make sure that you'll never forget. holy shit, i really thought i was gonna lose you."

"so did i. it felt like.. when you're losing someone but you cant do anything to prevent it. you know its happening but you cant stop it. and it was.. shitty. it was really shitty." "Im sorry. im really sorry.. i didn't think.."

"It was so obvious that he liked you, tzu" "i didn't think he did.." you sighed as she kissed your forehead.

"But i promise one thing.. im yours. always and forever.. yours."

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