The crush -Tzuyu [0.1]

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This is gonna be a mini series in my imagines book since i don't want to make this a separate book. I hope you enjoy :)

Third Person Pov:

You were Dahyuns cousin, you've been studying in london for the past 8 years, you lived in paris for 13 years. You're an influencer who does youtube, instagram, etc. Tzuyu has had the biggest crush on you for the past 3 years.

You also make and produce music, the members have been shipping you together but tzuyu never told them she liked you they just liked you two together. you're gonna join them on tour you were staying with them for 2 months before going back to london.

You graduate this year so you just have to go back for a month, But you didn't tell anyone that, you're also twices best friend and they see you as almost family. They love and adore you in a different way then tzuyu does.

They love you as family, tzuyu loves you as a lover. But their tour doesn't start for another 4 months. The members knew you and tzuyu talked separately everyday.

But what they didn't know what about, each member calls you at least twice a week and more then one member is always there, sometimes it's dahyun and chaeyoung, sometimes it's Nayeon and momo.

It's all different but almost every single time, you were still a university student, in buisness. You were graduating very soon. but you never felt far from the members since you video called.

At the moment, you actually waiting for dahyun's call since she had texted you saying she'd call you in a moment. But you ended up getting a phone call from chaeyoung instead.

The call: (it's that one vlive where chae was doing dahyun and tzuyu's make-up bit ofc with fake subs)

Dh: "ah, my phone died.. how're you doing kid?"

Cy: "kid? she's grown now"

Dh: "i don't care she's still a baby"

Cy: "youre only two years older then her, and i'm only one"

Dh: "shut up, anyways. Y/n! maybe you should come sooner then 4 months, everyone misses you.. tzuyu has been asking about you from sana unnie"

Cy: "mhm"

Dh: "lately, she's obsessed with you somehow"

Y/n: "tzuyu? lol why tho?"

Cy: "tzuyu asked me for your number too"

Dh: "seriously i told her i'll have to ask you but she couldn't wait, so then she started annoying chaeyoung"

Y/n: "really? that's cute"

Dh: "she didn't leave chaeyoung alone in the shower too"

Cy: "yeah she followed me the entire day"

Dh: "she's definitely into you, she didn't leave me alone so i gave her your number"

Cy: "she might call y/n continuously"

Dh: "right like a psychopath"

Y/n: "yah don't make fun of her"

Cy: "she didn't believe it was your number at first so she went around asking everyone if it was really your number and when they said yes she was like 'really? it's hers?' and it was really funny. and i was like do you have a crush on her or something? and she just said 'wae? don't annoy me!' and walked away from there"

-15 minutes later, when chae started doing dahyuns makeup, they had texted tzuyu saying you were on call with them and tzuyu had just opened the door-

y/n: "you guys are so weird"

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