Hickey Prank -Dahyun [Requested]

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-Mina is maknae line bc she said so and we love her. 😍

Third Person Pov:

Dahyun went on a two week trip with the maknae line of twice which you were in but you decided not to go, you stayed with the unnie line,

Today was the day that Dahyun was coming back, you've been face timing for the past 13 days but yesterday you decided to just do a normal call making her slightly confused but she shook it off.

You wanted to see her face but Nayeon and Jihyo told you not to, to make the prank more realistic and easily pulled off. Jeongyeon saw the car that the maknae was in pulling up.

"EVERYONE IN THEIR POSITIONS! THEY'RE HERE!" Jeongyeon yelled as your phone almost slipped out of your hand. Let's just say, you were kind of- screw that.

You were hella scared of Dahyun when she was mad, mostly because her gaze is just scary, she can be quite loud and her face goes red because of how pale her skin is.

You didn't want to do this but the unnie line insisted that you did, you gulped as you saw Dahyun walk in, her bag fell out of her hand as she ran to you.

"hey m'love, i missed you" she whispered as she pecked your cheek, making you chuckle, wrapping your arms around her waist, "hi honey"

She take in a breath before wrapping her arms around your stomach and putting her head in the crook of your neck, the members smiling at how cute the two of you were.

The unnie line mentally smirking, knowing what's coming, let's just say, it's not only a prank on Dahyun but the whole maknae line. Dahyun opened her eyes to see what looked like a hickey on your neck.

A small gasp falling from her lips, "what is it lo?-" you started but got cut off by her shaking her head and grabbing your wrist, pulling you into the two of you's shared room.

"What have you been doing when i'm gone?" Dahyun asked as you shrugged, "watched movies, hang out with the unnies, text you? uhm.." your voice was slightly shaky at the end because of Dahyun's glare.

"Tell me the truth, y/n." "that is the truth? what do you mea-" "don't fucking lie to me. Why is there a hickey on your neck? who gave it to you, i know for a fact those aren't mine. Is this why you didn't facetime last night? you were scared i would see?"

Dahyun mumbles as her grip on your wrist gets harder, "no one did, im not lying to you, i've just been hanging out with the unnies and stuff" You said, pretending to be confused.

your other hand slightly shaking as she grabbed your other wrist. "cut the act!" she said, slightly raising her voice. her face slowly got red as she held onto your wrist even tighter.

It made you slightly wince, "i don't know what you mean?" you whispered as Dahyun pressed her tongue against her cheek, "enjoy your life with them. i'm done." she whispered finally letting your wrist go,

She left the room, teary eyed as you grabbed a makeup wipe, running after her, once you got to the living room, you saw tzuyu and chaeyeong standing in front of Dahyun.

Not letting you pass as the unnie line looks at you, having no idea what to do, "Dahyun-ah" you whispered as Tzuyu spoke up, "Go away." "No wait, hear me out?"

Chaeyeong scoffed as Mina let out a sarcastic chuckle, "hear you out? seriously?" Chaeyeong said as you looked over at the unnie line. "Why're you just sitting there?! help me! this prank was your idea! you forced me into this!"

You looked over them as Tzuyu and Chaeyeong paused, Dahyun also stopped crying, she was still teary eyed, "Right, uhm.. Dahyun, please don't be mad but we forced y/n to pull this prank on you"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dahyun said, turning over at them, until something caught Momos eye, "Yah! Dahyun! how hard did you hold her?!" Momo said as she grabbed your wrist.

It was pretty obvious someone had grabbed it. "Jesus!" Sana said looking over at Dahyun who finally pulled out of Minas arms. Dahyun came to you and grabbed the collar of your shirt making you pause.

"What? it wasn't my idea! i was forced into it!" You defended as she held onto your shirt with one hand and opened your shared rooms door with the other hand,

The members smirked, whistled as chuckled as the unnie line took the maknae line out. Thinking there might be some angry sex happening, which it did but still.

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