Colours -Jeongyeon

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In a world where you can only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate.


Third Person Pov:

You were in the crowd of the twice concert, waiting for the encore to start, since you weren't all the way up front but pretty close, you weren't able to see all the members yet, jihyo, chaeyoung and jeongyeon.

You haven't been able to fully appreciate their visuals up close yet, but it was about to change as you saw jeongyeon walking towards the crowd, obviously, you kept your eyes on her, but once she looked back at you.

Colours immediately came into sight, jeongyeon had paused and stopped singing for a few seconds. She pointed at you as you smiled with a small nod, confirming it really was you.

Jeongyeon only chuckled and ran to jihyo, mumbling something to her making her turn her head in your direction, jeongyeon kept speaking as you saw jihyo's eyes searching for you, so you just sent a small smile with a wave.

They both smiled at the sight as jihyo chuckled, pointing backstage, but it was pretty discrete, signalling for you to go out back after the show was over.

You didn't know how you were gonna get there but you just nodded, jeongyeon often glancing over at you for the rest of the concert, and when it was time to say bye, she waved but once she looked at you, she put her hand down and nodded.

"see you" she mouthed as you nodded back, smiling slightly, everyone was leaving as you saw jeongyeon running down the stairs from backstage and say something to one of the security guards.

His eyes searched around before they landed on you and they both nodded. He smiled and opened the door so only you could come, and so fans wouldn't get suspicious, he had to pretend and you played along.

"i'm gonna put you in handcuffs okay? just for the rumours and stuff, so play along" "yup, got it" He put the handcuffs on your pulled you backstage where he removed them. Jeongyeon took a look at you and chuckled.

"you're weird looking.. but you're cute, i like you." "no, you're weird!" "just take the L im twices jeongyeon" you stuck your tongue out as she smiled at the sight. You both knew she was just teasing and messing around.

"you're quite extroverted, no?" you asked as she shrugged, "because i'm scared you'll be uncomfortable, there's a lot of people here and you don't know anyone personally" "that's sweet" "how old are you?" "you're unnie, i'm 1998" "ah, okay. Same as dahyun"

You nodded, "you're a once?" "kinda, i was here with my friend actually.." "so.. do you know a lot about us?" "meh, i know the basics, and a few like inside jokes because of her but yeah" "text her and tell her you're safe"

"i'm.. her ride home" "oh?" "so honestly i really have to go but-" "noo" she whined before mumbling, "stay with me" "i cant" "tell her to come here" "security" "i'll get her in here, come with me"


"that's crazy!" "i know" "you're the luckiest person to ever step foot on this earth" "no, you are. because now you get to meet the members too" you said as jeongyeon chuckled at how your friend nodded.

"that is true, you get to meet the members now because you're friends with my girl" "your girl?" You and your friend both said at the same time as jeongyeon shrugged, "why? you don't wanna be?" "of course i do.." "then you are"

She kissed your forehead as your friend could only smile, watching this happen.

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