Colours -Mina

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In a world where you can only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate.


Third Person Pov:

You were at the park, airpods in, just in a zip up hoodie and come cargo sweats, they were wide legged so it looked like you actually put some effort into your clothes, a pair of sunglasses on your head.

You were only planning on being in korea for a few years just to study and go to university since a few of your friends are here and you've always loved being in korea, you went here twice as a kid, and once as a teen so.

It's not unfamiliar but it's also not.. familiar.

You were just on your phone, reading over some notes for your upcoming finals. Until a group of girls, their voices were oddly familiar but you brushed it off until you saw a dog running at you. "yah- butter!"

You knew that voice, momo. You chuckled as placed your hand down, playing with butter for a few seconds before two girls appeared in front of you. "my bad, you can have him back" you mumbled.

"thanks-" "you have a pretty smile" someone blurted, cutting off momo. You also know that voice. Mina. You looked up with a small smile, but as soon as your eyes locked, a gasp left mina's lips. "oh my god."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "mina?" momo called out as mina nodded. "i'll call you to find out where you are, i think i wanna stay at the park for a bit, it's a nice day.." "ah, okay. i'll text you where we are" "sounds.. good.."

"are you okay?" "im fine, just go, unnie." Once the members had left, mina took a seat down beside you. "so.. what's your name, darling?" You couldn't find the right words to say making her frown.

"should i just keep calling you darling then? i think i should know your name though.." "uh, right. Y/n, Le Y/n" "lee or le?" "uh le" "you're not korean then, are you?" "im not, i'm viet" "ooh, interesting.. how old are you?"

"you're 1997, right?" "mhm" "ah, okay. you're unnie, i'm 2000" "you're still a baby" she mumbled as you shook your head. "i'm almost 24" "when's your birthday?" "december 1st" "ooh, okay. i'll remember that"

"march 24?" you asked as she nodded to confirm what you said was correct. "are you a fan?" "eh, i guess you could say that" "y/n?" "hm?" she reached up and took an airpod out of your ear. "you should be listening to me"

Mina joked as you smiled. You opened your case, putting both the airpods in as she grabbed your phone from your side, "you're gonna lose your phone, someone's gonna take it if you put it there.. were you studying?"

"mhm, just reading over some notes" "oh.. is it hard?" "i guess so" "do you live here?" "just for university" "wait.. where are you going after you're done uni?" "i was thinking back to vietnam" She frowned.

"how many years do you have left" "uh, a long time. i think 3-4 more years?" "and then you're going back to vietnam?" "that was the plan" "so i only get you for 3-4 years?" "what?" "you're moving back to vietnam so-"

"let's talk about this later, okay?" "do you wanna like.." "let's be friends first" you knew what she was asking, you answered without hesitation. "i can take you out on dates right?" "hang outs?" "no, a date."

You shrugged. "we just met" "that's what a date is for, honey. we're soulmates, we'll date eventually" "unnie im sorry" "what?" "i wanna focus on my studies for now" "ah.. okay, don't worry about it, we can be friends."


Yeah.. friends didn't work out really well, because now, less then a year later, you're in her arms. Laying down mina's bed. "baby?" "yes?" "i love you.." "love you too.. can we talk now?" "about what?" "vietnam"

"well.. i don't know yet. Its- a hard choice." "whatever you chose, i'll respect it, okay?" you nodded as mina kissed the top of your head.


"babe" "hm?" "it's my last month in uni" "i know" mina mumbled, "and i also know this sounds so selfish but.. i really want you to stay here with me. It's bad, and it's wrong but i can't help it. I wanna be with you all the time"

She whispered, a cute pout plastered on her face. "i'm staying" She looked up in shock, "huh?" "i don't wanna leave you either" you whispered back. Mina couldn't help but smile, leaving a soft kiss on your lips.


"you graduated!" "i did, minari" A proud smile was plastered on her face. "congrats baby, and since it's midnight.." "it's midnight?" "mhm. happy 4 years, baby." "happy 4 years, minari" "i love you" "love you more."


"Yeah.. so once.. meet my fiancée and the love of my life, y/n."


"forever?" "forever" the sound of a baby laughing as well as the members laughing in the background, made you both smile.



i swear i haven't posted in this book in forever. And i don't like this but wtv

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