"i love you, thank you." -tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

Tzuyu was struggling with the choreography a bit, the members haven't seen her struggling like this in a while but she couldn't get it to work with her. Honestly, she couldn't wait to come home and curl into a ball.

She just wanted to get this over with and go home, to you. You didn't go to practice today because you weren't needed to, it was your day off. They've had a few breaks so far, but tzuyu just kept on trying to get the move down.

"tzu, you can rest a bit. it's okay, we understand" "no, it's okay" she muttered every, single, time. So dahyun finally picked up the phone and texted you. About half an hour later, they had another break.

A 10 minute break. Tzuyu was still dancing, you slightly opened the door and peaked in, seeing she was still trying to perfect it. It seems like she almost has it though. As she was catching her breath.

You came from behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist. "relax, tzu" She turned around and wrapped her arms around your neck almost immediately, searching for a place of comfort.

And she found it, Placing her head in the crook of your neck and then on top of your shoulder, the members saw relief take over her face. A small smile planted on her face. "your hugs are nice." ""then i'll keep giving you them, forever."

"i love you, thank you for this." "i love you too" You didn't say you're welcome, because you're welcome is used for a favour, and going to your girlfriend to cheer her up? never a favour. Always a pleasure.

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