Colours - Momo

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In a world where you can only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate.


If it's been over 6 months since you last saw your soulmate, the colour slowly fades until it returns to black and white. But once you see each other again, it's just like normal. Colourful.


Momo Pov:

The memory haunts me forever.

I saw her. I should've asked her for her number. I should've talked to her, i should've.. Why am i such a pussy?! God! that was my soulmate! Stupid. I'm so stupid.

It's been 11 fucking years! i saw her when i came to korea, i walked out of the airport as she walked in? we bumped into each other. I should've said something. She mumbled an apology before we made eye contact, and i saw everything.

All of the colours, she was so cute too. But we just looked at each other in shock. I was too shy to say anything, still to this day, i have no friends. But it's not like i go out of my way to make fri-

"momo!" nayeon yelled. "huh?" i mumbled as i jumped slightly. "jesus, you keep day dreaming. been trying to talk to you for like 20 minutes." "sorry i-" "you're on drinks today"


"i am?" "yeah" "fineee" I mumbled and stand up to go to the nearest café "i want-" "i don't care what you want, i'm getting your usuals" i say to nayeon unnie with a small grin as she rolls her eyes "wanted to try something new but whatever"

"too bad so sad" I'm so tired bro. i don't even want to be in this stupid café anyways, the only thing that wasn't covered was my eyes. i had a mask and a hat on. Most people couldn't identify me.

I pulled out my phone to look over the order again before i went up to the counter, "hey, what would you like?" "um can i get a-" i was cut off as i looked up and our eyes locked. Colours.. Holy shit!

Fuck! i'm so glad i'm on drinks today! "just take my phone, babe." Her eyes widened slightly, reading the order and putting it in the machine, "it's on the house" "no way, come on, you can take me out tonight, what time do you get off?"

"8" "mm, okay, let me pay?" "fine, fine" there's still a tip button.. "does tip go directly to you?" "yes ma'am" I hummed, the order was about 325,000 won.. 50 percent tip? that's the highest it goes..

"yah, i can't take that" she mumbled as i smiled, "consider it a thanks for being a pretty server" she shook her head with a small smile, is she blushing? a little bit. That's so cute. "here's your receipt"

oh my goodness, there's a bear and a heart on it, so that's what she drawing? she drew something on the back too? her number.

text me pleaseee
-y/n <3

Oh i will.


"so.." "what?" i asked as the members looked at me confused. "why the fuck are you smiling to yourself, weirdo." "i like your shirt, tzuyu. It's a pretty blue." "thanks.. wait- oh my god!" "that's why you're so happy!"

"oh my god!" "she's pretty" "really?" "so pretty" "oh?" "very pretty " They looked at each other as i chuckled. "i'm taking her out on a date tonight" "oh thank god. you didn't pussy out and forget to ask her for her number this time"

"well.. i didn't ask for it.. she gave it to me anyways?" "pussy" "you haven't changed" "still a pussy" "no i'm not! i called her babe and flirted with her" "but still didn't ask her for her number" "it's a one- two time thing!"

"mhmmm pussy."

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