Birthday Cake -Chaeyoung

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-For her birthday, happy birthday chae <3, based off of her birthday cake video :).

-wrote and finished this on her bday.. forgot to post it. (oops)

Third Person Pov:

You and Chaeyoung wanted to make a strawberry cake, so you did, your uncle that basically raised you was a baker and thought you how to bake, so Chaeyoung wanted to do it with you.

Unknowingly to the two of you, Dahyun and the other members put two cameras in corners of the room, they knew where you were going to assemble it.

They filmed you baking it and now the assembling process. She was in your lap as she picked up a small piece of cream, placing it on top of the first layer of the cake.

Softly spreading it as she spinner it making you chuckle. "I watched people do this" she mumbled as she started laughing. Once she started putting on the strawberries.

She said. "It looks so good" "baby, we're not even finished the first layer yet" you replied with a raised eyebrow, chaeyoung shrugged with a light hum before saying.

"It still looks good" once she finished, you held your hand out as she placed the spreader into your hand. You spun it around and cleaned it up a little like how the woman did in it the video.

Making Chaeyoungs mouth fall into an 'o' shape. "second layer, just do it again" you said as she nodded

Once you finished the cake and she made a wish. You cut out small slices for each member and leaving a little less then half of the cake left to Chaeyeong to just eat.

As soon as you say back down, Chaeyeong shook her head and pulled you into her lap. "Open" she whispered as she brought the fork up to your lips making your open your mouth.

She shoved the fork into your mouth as you hummed. "good right?" She asked as you nodded "we did good!" Chaeyeong said before she gave you a high five.

"happy birthday love" you whispered as you pecked her cheek. "thank you baby, and thank you for making my day extra special, it was fun. i appreciated it, i love you" she whispered back. Pecking your jaw as you returned the words back to her.

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