Colours - Tzuyu

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In a world where you can only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate.


Third Person Pov:

Chou Tzuyu, the girl of everyone dreams. She's the only twice members who still sees the world in black and white, the members constantly tell her about how pretty colours are. It was at the airport.

Tzuyu wasn't smiling much, still exhausted, from the early flight she just had. You were a fan, tzuyu biased, actually. She sent small smiles and slightly waved as well as nods and bows. But then she turned and faced you.

Your eyes locked, colours came flooding in as you gulped. Tzuyu's smile faded in shock before a brighter one returned, a real one. She smiled and waved at you softly. But if she was expecting a soulmate, she definitely wasn't expecting a female.

But to say she was unhappy would definitely be a lie. She was pleasantly surprised. She didn't know she could feel this way with a woman, yes the members were extremley stunning but she was shocked by your charms

You werent extremley stunning or exceptionally pretty like her or the members but you seemed safe and friendly, tzuyu liked that. She kept glancing back at you while she was walking. But with all the cameras, she couldn't ask for your number or even your name.

Tzuyu was scared she would never see you again, before coughing and mumbling, since she paused right beside you, you could hear. "black bus, the second one, 24 seated." You nodded as the jihyo turned to tzuyu slightly concerned.

"you okay? sick?" "no, just something stuck in my throat." once jihyo had left and went back, next to sana. "go around and stay behind the bus" you sent tzuyu a small smile as they reached the bus.

You managed to sneak out of the crowd and onto the back of the bus, tzuyu looked out and saw you slightly panicked as a few managers walked towards you. Tzuyu quickly opened the window on the side fans werent aloud on.

"she's my soulmate." she said quickly as they nodded, getting you into the car without fan suspicion on anything, the members were pretty public about soulmates, if that was any other member.

They would've probably said 'oh! i found my soulmate!' to the crowd but tzuyu preferred keeping things quiet, you liked that too. "ah.. hi?" you said as tzuyu chuckled. "you're cute.. i like you." "i.. thank you"

She was quiet but tried to be more extroverted to make you comfortable, since you're in a car full or strangers. "well.. your name is..?" "y/n.. trinh y/n" "you probably already know but.. chou tzuyu."

You both smiled softly as the members looked at tzuyu confused. Until tzuyu pulled you onto the seat right next to her. "y/n, my soulmate." small gasped filled the room before jihyo and sana got curious first.

Then the others got curious as well, since they knew you were gonna be with them for the rest of their lives. "where are you from?" "uh.. half viet half chinese?" "so you can speak chinese?" "mandarin and cantonese, yes."

They looked to tzuyu who had a surprised yet happy look on her face. "we can speak in mandarin if you prefer" she mumbled. You shook your head. "it's fine" "how long have you lived in korea?" Jihyo asked.

"a year?" "woah, your korean is really good then" "ah.. thank you" "how old are you?" nayeon asked, tzuyu was curious as well so she paid close attention. "i'm the youngest here, december 1st 2002" Their eyes widened.

Tzuyu chuckled and mumbled. "then i'm unnie." "mhm" "well, that feels good then. i can finally take care of someone" "i'm more the one who takes care but, you do you" you said back with a light smile.

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