2am -Sana

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Third Person Pov:

Sana to her house about 20 minutes ago, it was now 1:30am, you haven't seen sana in a few days because of how busy she's been lately, she sent you a text making you pick up your phone almost immediately.

sha <3:
i miss youuu :(

Baby <3:
i miss you too, how was work today? i'll visit you tomorrow if i have time

sha <3:
can you come now? please?

Baby <3:
i can't baby, my car is getting fixed, i would walk there but it's pouring rain outside, there's even hail, i'll go to you tomorrow?

sha <3:
okay but you better come see me tomorrow and no later then that

Baby <3:
okay, there might be thunder so hide in your room okay? put headphones on so you won't hear it, stay safe babe, i need to go to bed, i'll text you in the morning

sha <3:
mhm, goodnight i love you

Baby <3:
love you more

Sana let out a small sigh as she called the twice group chat on facetime, "what is it sana?" Jihyo questioned confused as a few members saw sana connect her earphones and run upstairs, into her room.

"it's raining and there's thunder" "is y/n there?" "no, she can't be here tonight" she whispered, letting out a scream at the thunder that just struck, letting her phone drop on the floor.

Her hands immediately went up to cover her ears as she crouched down, "sana unnie? you okay? just breath, you're okay, you're in your house, you're safe" Tzuyu panicked as she heard the thunder and sana's scream.

"i-i should go, i'll listen to music, you guys are too quite and jihyo is too loud" sana mumbled as she hung up, not even letting the members finish. She picked up her phone, getting ready to open her door before thunder struck again.

Sana let out another scream before feeling a pair of arms wrap around her waist, spinning her around and holding her tightly. "y/n" she whispered as you just shushed her.

You brought your hands up to replace hers that were still covering her ears, she hugged you, squeezing her eyes shut, hoping that the thunder would stop soon.

You could feel sana shaking from fear and even though your voice was muffled, she could hear you softly telling her that everything was going to be okay and that it'll end soon. You both impatiently waited for them to come to an end.

And once they did, you removed your hands from her ears, putting your hands on her back, drawing small circles. You brushed your fingers across her skin before a sigh left her lips.

"you're soaking wet" she chuckled causing you to roll your eyes, "shut up, i ran all the way here for you" "you did?" "how else would i have gotten here soaking wet?" "i thought you got a ride and walked just a little bit to my house"

"nope, ran all the way here" you replied making sana raise an eyebrow before just smiling at you, "thank you, i love you. i owe you one" "yeah you do, to repay me, let me wear some of your clothes, please? it's cold"

"hm.. let me think about it" "hey!" "i'm kidding, go pick out what you want from the closet" "thanks, can we-" "cuddle? yes." you just chuckled before changing into a pair of clothes and jumping onto sana's bed.

"goodnight baby, sweet dreams, thanks again for running all the way over here for me" "always" "warm enough?" she whispered as you hummed, "i don't think so"

Sana whispered once again, throwing a blanket over you and wrapping her arms around you causing you to chuckle. "i love you" "love you more" you muttered, the two of you slowly drifting off to sleep.

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