Cheat -Jihyo [Requested]

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Third Person Pov:

Everything had lead up to this moment, from the day that you had your first argument with Jihyo something wasn't right, after the second, she left the house.

And the third. you went after her when she left the house but was unable to find her, forth argument. You found her making out with someone in an alleyway.

She claims she regretted everything that she did but in her eyes, you knew it was a lie. Until now, it was no longer a lie. Everything was the truth. You knew because of the sobs that left her mouth.

At first, she didn't regret it. Not one bit. But when she realized what she had done, jihyo was questioning why she did it? had she gone crazy? She claims you were the best thing that's ever happened to her. But you didn't listen.

After your breakup, you released an album, which is how she knew she had fucked up. It had said everything about what she did, your relationship wasn't public yet but people caught on and had an idea of who it was.

Fans came up with the conclusion that it was jihyo, once she started getting hate about it. You finally spoke up, you confirmed, yes. It was jihyo but you've been having problems and not the send her hate.

You were over her, fully over her. You had already fallen for someone else.. you didn't know if you should date or even love them but you pushed your thoughts aside.

Although it was one of jihyos best friends.. She confessed to you, you guys started going out more often, hanging around each other's houses, getting dinner, hell you even started sleeping over at each other's houses.

All of that, had caused this to happen. You were just sitting there on your bed with your phone before someone grabbed it out of your hand and placed it beside you. "hey" she mumbled as you smiled. "hi"

"y/n?" "hm?" "let's go out" you just nodded and smiled. You guys went out, to a café, then to dinner, but as you were walking around han river since it was started to get dark, just during sunset.

She turned over to you. "i asked you to go out today because uhm" "because?" you replied as she sighed. "you know we've been going out of a while.. and i wanted to ask you something" You raised an eyebrow.

You placed your thumb on her jaw and softly caressed it as her eyes closed. "i love you.. Jeong y/n, please. Just please be mine? forever" You smiled at her before connecting your lips.

It took less then 2 seconds for her to kiss back. her hands dropped down to your waist and pulled you closer. After about 10 seconds, the two of you pulled away and she sent you a smile.

"does that mean your finally mine?" "mhm, yours" You chuckled at how her face brightened. She looked like the happiest person alive at this moment. "you're my girlfriend?" "i'm your girlfriend."

She squealed and pulled you into a hug, "let's go to your house, we can watch a movie and just cuddle. Like we usually do on these nights but i wanted to take you out to ask you." "who knew you were romantic?"

She just shrugged with a smile before grabbing your hand and was about to leave when all of a sudden. Someone stood right infront of her. "Jihyo?!" The two of you both said at the same time.

"yah.. i trusted you! you're one of my best friends, why're you dating y/n.." "you cheated on her! you had your chance. now this is mine." Jihyo could only sigh. She knew that she was wrong. But she didn't expect this to happen.

"please take care of her. don't break her like i did. it was the worst mistake of my life. i'm sorry y/n, i hope you two are always happy together, and i hope we can all still be friends but.. i wish i was you."

She mumbled the last part and turned to your lover. Jihyo just nodded and walked away. "i still love you, y/n. A lot. but i'll let you go, i'll let you be happy, because i'm know.. your happiness no longer lies with me"

That part made you tear up as well. Jihyo was full on crying. The figure beside you pulled you in close. "do you still love her..? do you still love jihyo?" did you? no but.. you love this person more. So you just answered honestly.

"i love her, yes. But i'll always love you more" She seems satisfied with your answer, since it was obvious you still loved jihyo since you teared up at her last sentence. She knew you weren't lying.

"I love you y/n. and i promise to never hurt you or do anything to harm you. i love you, a lot." You smiled at her before replying. "I know you wouldn't, i love you too..


Requested by: Little_Jihyo and AloneInACity  i apologize for the fact that it took FOUR MONTHS. but i genuinely forgot about it. So yeah 😭 anyways. I hope you enjoyed, it didn't turn out how i wanted it to but wtv. Anyways yeaaa enjoyyy :)

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