Thank you, goodbye. -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

y/n 🫶: please come home

Tzu <3: why? what's wrong baby?

y/n 🫶: i need you, something happened

Tzu <3: i'm filming right now, love

y/n 🫶: i think bedo is dead

Tzu <3: what? actually?

y/n 🫶: i don't know i can barely type, im shaking, he's not moving, i don't know what to do. He's dead, tzu..

Tzu <3: please hold on for me, my love. Just give me a few minutes, im on my way, okay? don't pass out on me. Please just wait for me.

y/n 🫶: drive safely, please tzu. i don't think i can handle another thing happening to anyone else.

Tzu <3: i promise you, i'll be home safe and sound. Just breath, don't cry too hard. keep him warm. I'm coming, okay? Stay stable for me.

It took about 7 minutes before tzuyu rushed through the door, not even taking her shoes off as she rushed up the stairs and to you, you were stroking the unconscious dog as tzuyu teared up but looked away. "tzu.. he's gone.." "i know, i know. i felt the same with gucci.."

"plus.. he's 15, 130 years in dog age, this had to come at some point, baby." "why couldn't he stay forever.." "i wish he would too.. but it doesn't work like that. let's get him to the hospital, okay? we'll see if they can do anything"

You nodded before wiping your tears as tzuyu looked at you, her look softens as she kisses your temple, "i'm here, if anything happens. I'm always here, and i've always got you" "you're crying too.." "were go through it together.."

"i know.. you took care of him, love with him and love him for the past 8 years" she swallowed the lump in her throat before her legs shook a bit as she was carrying bedo. Looking at his face before she turned away.

"i'll drive, you seem shaky. I think i'm okay now" "okay.." tzuyu whimpered as you sighed softly, "i'm supposed to be taking care of you" tzuyu whispered shakily as you started driving, tzuyu holding bedo in her arms, wrapped around a blanket.

"you love him just as much. 8 years with a dog isn't a short amount of time. i get it, tzu. You feel as much as i do" "no.. i needed to be strong, i needed to be strong for you.." "babe, i promise you. I don't mind at all. You're right, together. we're going through it together"


"Thank you for the past 15 years, i hope you're safe and happy, our family will forever, love, cherish, and remember all of our time together, although it has unfortunately run out. You were a great dog, a great member of this family. Our first dog. My best friend, my first pet, the one who was always there, no matter what, during cold or warm, during night and day. Although you couldn't wipe my tears, you could be there to help me through it all, thank you for your support, your love. Everything. I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. It's going to be so weird to come home and not hear you bark or run up, I don't want to but.. for now, it's time to let you go. Maybe someday we meet again, Rest in peace, Bedo. We love you forever."


"i loved you like i've been with you since day 1. thank you for running up to me, without you i would've never met and fell for the girl of my dreams, the girl i'm in love with. Thank you for being my best friend, always being by our sides. I think i'll always miss and remember you. I view you as my own, my own kid. my own dog, my own love. I promise you, i'll take care of y/n. don't worry too much okay? i'll be there too hold her when she's down like you were, i'll be there to kiss her hand, like you did. You can rest now, thank you so much. I love you, bedo. Thank you. for everything."


Rest in peace, Bedo.

Based off a true story :(
I will truly, always love you, bedo. (he's act 19 years irl, he passed last night 01/17/23)

 (he's act 19 years irl, he passed last night 01/17/23)

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