Colours -Jihyo

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In a world where you can only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate.


Third Person Pov:

Jihyo, who had just gotten out of a relationship with daniel, went to go drink, yes she knew he wasn't her soulmate, the reason they broke up is because he found his.

So now she's just sitting at the bar, after a few drinks, she just seemed really down, you were laughing and talking with your friends but occasionally peeking at the girl, not relating it was twices jihyo.

Probably because her back was turned, but you just grew more and more curious and worried. So you decided to stand up and go to her. You placed a hand on her shoulder and sat down beside her.

"i'm not interes-" "are you okay?" You voice caught her off guard, she looked over to see you looking at her with slightly worried eyes but a cute smile plastered on your face before your eyes locked.

Your eyes widened as jihyo gasped. "holy shit." "you're the miracle i need right now" she whispered, you raised an eyebrow. "can you tell me what's wrong?" "it's fine, don't worry about it, you just made everything better"

You chuckled as she smiled. "what's your name?" "y/n.. funny thing is, park y/n." Jihyo shrugged. "well then, we don't have to worry about last name change after marriage" You laughed a bit. "can i hug you?" "of course, anytime you want, ji"

The nickname made her slightly blush as she pulled you into her arms, you hugged her back, both having a moment of just holding each other until jihyo spoke up. "do you wanna get out of here? get to know each other better?"

You nodded. "oh, and just so you know, i'm tzuyu's age, so you're unnie" She nodded, You quickly told your friends you were leaving and opened your car door for jihyo to sit in the passenger seat.

"there you go" "thanks, babe"

You laughed a bit, you knew the alcohol was slowly gonna kick in soon, but come on, seeing someone when they're drunk is like seeing their true state. So you didn't mind, plus you already knew you and this girl were gonna be forever.

That's how soulmates work.

"hey" "hi ji" "you're cute. i like you." you only chuckled, "should i take you to my house or do you wanna go home?" "i wanna be with you" you nodded, "do you have any schedulers tomorrow" "no.. i wanna go on a date with you"

"okay, we'll see" "yay" she mumbled. You already knew it was gonna be hard to get her into bed.


Jihyo woke up in pajamas she doesn't remember putting on and in a unfamiliar room, the makeup on her face was also gone? She looked around the room in confusion and slight panic. "where the-" "you're awake?"

She turned around and relaxed immediately, "hi" you smiled as she hummed, "hey.. what happened last night? all i remember was getting into your car" You chuckled, "you were really drunk because the alcohol finally hit"

"oh no" "i asked if you wanted to stay over or me to take you home, you said stay over, i also asked if you had any schedules, you said no but you wanna go on a date with me-" "and what did you say?" "we'll see"

"ah.. okay" "and, i didn't change your clothes, don't worry, i wouldn't do that. But i took off your makeup and washed your face." "thank you.. that's.. really sweet" "no problem" "but about that date, can we go?" "are you not hung over?"

"little bit, but i'll be okay" "let's go when you're fully better, how about a dinner date, ji?" "okay, fine, dinner date"  you nodded, caressing the side of her head, pulling her body towards you, jihyo placed her head on your stomach as you continued playing with her hair.

"cuddle with me" she whispered as you hummed, "okay"


"guess who" you mumbled, covering jihyos eyes as she smiled, "hey my love" she said back, turning around to hug you as she placed a kiss on your lips, "happy 3 years" "happy 3 years, ji" "i love you" "love you more, angel."

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