The crush -Tzuyu [0.2]

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Third Person Pov:

Two days were left in you exams and you were quite scared and ver nervous for them, so obviously you couldn't stop stressing over them, they're you're final exams, it is now late may, very close to june.

You'll go to korea in june, leave in july, check all your work and school stuff before going back to korea in october. You kept in touch with twice, but mostly tzuyu since she texted you every morning and she had always asked you if you ate or not yet.

You were siting on the desk that was right infront of the window, just studying and looking over stuff, although there was one thing about you, you had never failed a test in your life.

You're extremely smart. Top of the class, too is the school, scholarships, awards, you had even given a speech, well, more of a debate on live news. If the school needed something, they would 100% chose you.

The thing was, dahyun was listed as your emergency contact and if there were parent teacher interviews, dahyun mostly answered the calls. She was proud of you, dahyun was more of a mother to you.

She was protective yet caring of you. She was a comfort person, for sure. But as you flipped through the pages, your phone rang and momo was calling so you set up your phone and picked up.

Mm: "our y/n is finally here"

Y/n: "hey, how are you guys?"

Mm: "we miss you, we will see you in a week though"

Ny: "have you eaten yet?"

Y/n: "yes unnie, don't worry"

Ny: "mm.. okay, i'll try not to. But your exams are starting soon?"

Y/n: "yeah, in 2 days"

Ny: "don't stress okay?"

Y/n: "mhm but i'm nervous, what if i fail unnie?"

Ny: "you're smart i'm sure you'll do good"

Y/n: "and what about dahyun unnie? what would she think?"

Ny: "i'm sure she'll understand, at least you tried your best, although i'm sure you'll do good"

Y/n: "mhm, but the chapters are hard, there's too much to remember and my teacher doesn't even teach, he basically just tells us what we're learning and then makes us study it alone, when we ask him, his way of talking is even more confusing"

Ny: *small laugh* "that's okay, you're not failing right now, you should be fine.. who're you texting, momoring?"

Mm: "no one?"

Y/n: "so secretive" *chuckle*

Ny: "she never tells me anything"

Mm: "it's not like that"

Ny: "she told me i'm her favourite but hides stuff from me, that's so unfair"

Y/n: "i guess what can't tell you about her crushes"

Mm: "crushes?"

Y/n: "ah, cmon, i know you have a lot of crushes"

Mm: "you know y/n's joking, don't mind it"

Ny: "yeah sure, i wont mind.. but y/n's the one that has a crush"

Y/n: "what? me? no i don't?"

Ny: "mhm, i know you have philophobia"

Y/n: "mm, i do"

Ny: "but it'll go away once you fall in love"

Y/n: "yeah, woman. i hope so"

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