Absolutely Not. -Mina [Requested]

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Pt. 2 of Arrangement


Third Person Pov:

"it's sad because you guys finally seem like you're in love.. but since you've been married for 6 months.. our businesses aren't doing as well, this isnt what we thought or were expecting, we thought it was expand our businesses but.."

"a bunch of our audiences were young men that found you two attractive, we lost our main audience after it was revealed you were single.. so you guys are going to be going through a divorce."

Mina stared at the in disbelief before she shook her head. "what?"

"Sorry, Mina. But-" "Absolutely not. You are not going to rip her away from me. This isn't fair!? You force us to get married when we say no! And you rip us apart just when i get to feel something towards her? No. Absolutely not. I do not agree."

You looked at her confused.

You thought you were just being delusional, but the thought of the her kissing you.. it was true. She did start feeling something for you.

"i agree with her. it isn't fair that you're ripping us apart after you forced us for years to get together, it's just because we aren't showing too much pda, aren't showcasing our relationship so it isn't reaching the young lgtb+ kids. Our true target audience."

"Then make a change. If you can profit 10 Million won in a month, exactly 30 days. You can stay together." You looked at each other before nodding, knowing even though there was barely a  chance, there was still a chance.

If you didn't agree to that, you would have to divorce now. And neither of you were okay with that.

So it starts now.

A video came out the next morning,
'Take a look around our place'

You also created a joint instagram, tiktok, youtube and twitter account, promoting your guys relationship. If you could profit money from these things as well as in sales, maybe just maybe you could reach 10 million in a month.

Your tiktok has no choice but to blow up, you paid like 30,000 won for tiktok to promote the video.


Slowly more and more videos, daily lives, sweet moments, harmless pranks, cute little dates. Each of them got more and more views, since you guys were already decently known around the world, your tiktok following was now 2.8m and it's been 10 days.

You have to at least get to 6 million followers on tiktok, 3-5 million on instagram and 2-3 million on youtube. Honestly, tiktok and youtube you make the most money off of.

It's been mostly fun, but the closer it gets to the 30 days, the more stress you get. You're getting invited to a lot of promotions and advertisements, you've both been going to all of them.

It's good to make money.

20 Days in, and you guys are getting stressed. You've made 6 Million. How in the world are you going to make 4 Million in 10 days? And this caused another argument between the two of you.

"try harder, dammit!" "my schedule is packed, mina! what am i supposed to do?!" "do more! why is this thing 3 hours long! what is this?! you have to edit that!-" "i know!"

"yeah, you know! you know everything, huh?! you're so stuck up! you're just a dumb kid! grow up and get shit done!" "i'm trying!" "try harder!" "im doing the most i can-" "you're not doing enough!"

"god dammit, mina!" "im tired, okay?! i cant even take a break, i'm working my ass off!" "and i'm doing the same? what the fuck are you saying!" "you're still a kid! you can't do anything! you're obviously not doing enough- this is why i said i didn't wanna marry you, holy shit!"

"then why are we arguing over the fact that i'm not doing enough to save this marriage? if you wanna leave, leave!" You yelled as tears filled your eyes, your voice shaky as heavy breaths left your lips, wiping away your tears as you stormed out of the room.

Mina letting out a sigh, chasing after you, "baby, wait." She muttered, grabbing onto your wrist. "i'm sorry, i'm really sorry. i didn't mean it." "then why'd you say it?"

She didn't say anything, only looking down at her feet as she played with your fingers, fidgeting with them as tears welled up in her eyes. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you, i never wanted to make you cry." she mumbled.

You also folded, sighing as you hugged her, mina hugged back, keeping a tight grip on you. "i'm sorry." "youre forgiven."


It was a damn miracle.

You woke up the next morning, right after the argument and checked your phone. A few events were cancelled, freeing up your schedule, the editors you've hired worked faster than usual, having all the videos ready and scheduled to post.

But the miracle was that the tiktok blew up due to 2 of your videos going viral, 162 Million views and 139 Million views, meaning the instagram and youtube also gained a bunch of followers.

"Minari!" "hm?" mina called out from the washroom in your guys shared bedroom, opening the door as the rubbed her ends of her hair with the towel.

"we did it." "what?" "we made more than 14 million won." "what?!" you finally looked up at her as your eyes widened, a blush flushing on your cheeks as you put your hand up to cover her from your view.

"Oh my- put some clothes on!"

Mina laughed softly, "sorry, sorry, but you yelled out my name and i didn't put my clothes on yet, but you sounded urgent so i had to check up on you." "yeah, yeah. just put some clothes on!"


"A deal is a deal, you guys seem to be making a really good amount of money everyday now." "we do" "how much do you make approximately?" "1-3 million won a day?" "that's.. really good. i'm impressed"

"so in a reallyyy good month you would make about 90 million?" "if we're continue on the rate we're at right now, yes." "how much have you made in the past week, 7 days." "24 million"

Mina answered with a grin as you chuckled.


"what happened to 'i don't believe it love, it isn't real' hm? minari?" "shut up." "nu uh" "y/n, i'm working" "i know, but dinners been ready for a while, it's gonna get cold." "just eat first, i'll eat when i finish this" "cant you come back to it after?"

"i can but i don't wanna" "okay, i'll just wait with you then" "no, go eat" "i don't like eating alone, you know that." "and i don't like eating with you. so just go, will you?"

You bit your cheek, getting off the chair and leaving, you didn't say another word. You didn't eat either, You hate eating alone. You'd rather starve than eat alone. You laid down in the bed, changing and closing your eyes, falling asleep.

You woke up and still felt upset over the way she talked to you.

If she didn't want to eat with you, fine. But she didn't have to say it like that. She could've been nicer and more gentle. 'can i eat alone? i wanna eat alone tonight.' would've been fine. But no, she just said she doesn't like eating with you.

So now you'll break the routine.

You showered and made breakfast, Mina came down, looking at the plate on the table, her eyebrows furrowed. "wheres yours?" "im not eating." "why not?" "you don't like eating with me." She stared at you for a few seconds, confused.

Until she remembered.

"fuck. i'm sorry. please eat with me." she said, grabbing both of your hands. "i like eating with you. sit down, you don't even have to make another plate, just share with me, please just eat with me."

She knew how to make you fold and you hated it.

You sighed, "okay fine, i'll grab a fork" "thank you, baby."


"I love you, y/n." "I love you too, minari."


requested by Little_Jihyo and a few others asking for a part 2

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