Always. -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

On twices world tour, it was one of the hardest things you and tzuyu had gone through, you guys had gone public 6 months before it. With koreas homophobia and fanboys.

You both got attack physically and through social media, it was putting a bad imagine on the company as well, you guys dated even before you both debuted in twice.

Although you weren't aloud to date in the first 3 years, jyp let your guys relationship slide. But with all the physical attacks and hate, you put up with it for the first two months before just agreeing that it would be better to split.

7 years and 9 months. Gone just like that. The public knew you had split and it's been a lot better since then but the fact that you moved out of your shared house and moved into your own apartment.

You were barely making it. Not eating, not sleeping. Tzuyu had very little appetite but still ate a meal a day, you just ate small things or every few days. You used to eat a meal a day during twice, So you never ate much.

Tzuyu also slept less, days were being dragged by. But the two of you had to keep a happy image or else fans would get worried. Although it was visible that the two of you had lost a decent amount of weight.

The world tour, tonight is the first night you have solo stages, you changed a few of the lyrics, you were the only twice member that spoke english fluently.

Once's knew exactly who the song was about, you mentioned it after the song as well. The speech is the thing that and everyone sobbing. They were crying because of the song, but also because of disappointment.

There were so many edits about you and tzuyu, "a couple we failed to protect", basically ship videos and other things like "we destroyed a pair soulmates relationship."  They were disappointed that they failed to keep you two together.

Obviously the members couldn't catch what you were saying fast enough but seeing your tears and hearing tzuyu's name, they immediately knew. Their hearts broke when you two broke up.

"What would've been the difference if i was a guy? why does it matter which gender we are? what if none of this ever happened? what if we still stayed together, we would still perform the same. So..

I guess tzuyu, this was for you and this speech will be as well. I'm sorry i let you down, i'm sorry i was so sensitive about this situation, i'm sorry for giving up on us. I'm sorry for being so weak.

I have loved you for over 8 years and i will continue to love you for another 80 years. Maybe in another universe, maybe in another life, we can try again. Why did we get so unlucky with this one?

Maybe in another life we can chose each other, right person, wrong time? soulmates that weren't meant to be? People told me taking this job would have sacrifices but no one ever said i would lose you.

It's always you, even when we were trainees, it's always been you and it always be you. No matter what, even you fall for another person, i will root for you, why? because i promised that i would stay, i promised i would be there forever.

I promised, i would always love you. That was the only promise i made in 17 years. I stopped making promises at the age of 5. But.. for you. For you, i promise to love you, forever. It's always going to be you. I love you, tzuyu-ah."

You mumbled the last part before all the lights went off and the things lowered you to get off stage, you knew tzuyu was crying, you could just feel it, you glanced at her but didn't want to look for too long.

Because then you would burst out crying, You were teary but not crying, not yet. Not once have you ever cried in for t of any of the twice members, even tzuyu.

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