Caught up -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

"hey, you okay?" you asked as Tzuyu walked into the room, her eyes were tired and her shoulders were slightly slumped, "yeah babe, don't worry, just a long day" she replied with a light smile.

"but now that i'm home with you, i definitely feel better" you smiled at her words as she threw her bag onto the floor, finishing taking off her shoes before running to you. 

Tackling you onto the couch, leaving a few kisses on your cheeks, neck, nose and forehead. "hiii" she drags out making you chuckle. "i luv you" Tzuyu mumbled. "love you too"

She left a few kisses on your lips, still hovering over you, during the 3rd kiss you were fast enough to capture her lips as well making Tzuyu smile into the kiss, "finally~" she teased making you roll your eyes.

You pulled her into another kiss, Tzuyu ran a hand through your hair as you caressed her waist, drawing small circles on it. "all mine" she whispered, pecking your lips before pulling away to catch her breath.

"oh wait! i got you something when i was out today-" You started and went to get up but Tzuyu pushed you back down, "after this" She says signalling to the make out you just had.

"let me grab it first, we can continue later" "nooo" she whined as she grabbed your wrist. "stay with me" Tzuyu pouted making you lightly chuckle and roll your eyes. "okay" you agreed.

Tzuyu wrapped her arms around you as you lied your head on her chest, "can we take a nap?" she muttered as you nodded, "if you're tired" "goodnight baby, love you" "g'night, love you more"

The two of you, slowly drifting off to sleep, forgetting about your plan with the other members, who had the key to your house so it was fine.

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