baby i love you -Sana

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Third Person Pov:

you and Sana were sitting on the edge of a large rock, almost cliff like on a beach, you were just watching the stars with light music in the background. She wrapped a blanket over both of your shoulders, covering you both.

Sana let out a small content sigh making you look over at her, "you okay babe?" "yeah. it's just- never mind" she whispered as you raised an eyebrow. "what's on your mind?"

You questioned as she shook her head, "nothing, i promise" "okay, tell me if you wanna say anything" Sana only nodded in response, moving her hand over to the left a little bit.

Placing her pinky on top of yours, holding your pinky making you look down, a small smile spreading across your face. After a few moments of silence, you heard Sana take a deep breath.

"hey?" she mumbled causing you to hum in response "yeah?" it went silent for a few seconds, nothing other then the sound off the waves and soft music in the background was heard.

"darling? are you sure you're okay? tired? cold? do you wanna go home?" you asked as Sana just shook her head. "no it's just.." "just?" "nothing, it's fine" you were confused but didn't want to pry so you kept silent.

You just nodded at your girlfriend who still kept you safe in her arms, feeling her lips linger on the top of your head. "y/n?" she whispered after a few more minutes as you hummed once again.

"what's up?" "i-uh, i don't know how to say this but i really want to" "just say it, i wont judge or anything" "i know you won't, but it's just, i don't know if it's too early" you raised an eyebrow making her sigh.

"baby?" "yes sha?" "i love you" you were shocked by what she said but your heart also flutter from her words, you melted at how nervous she was to say them before you heard her speak up.

"you don't have to say it back, i just wanted to tell you" you shook your head before replying. "i love you too" "you're not just saying that because i said that right? you actually-" "yes babe, i actually want to. i love you, a lot"

You saw a smile slowly creep onto Sana's face before she squeezed your waist a little tighter then before but not enough to hurt you, she left a few soft kisses on your shoulder blade making you hum into the crook of her neck.

"we should start heading home, it's late" "okay, let's go?" "yeah, let's go"

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