Falling -Sana

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-Twice, school au-
-y/f/i = your first initial-

Third Person Pov:

Sana was a year older then you in school, although she had friends ranging from all ages, grade 9 (her age), grade 8 (your age) and grade 7, she was also friend with some grade 6's since it all relied on maturity.

You just admired her from a far, she was like your hallway crush, although you knew her name and followed her on social media, she didn't even know who you were, or so you thought.

You had your best friend though, he was gay, yes. but he still helped you with your relationship problems, more like telling you if they would be a good partner or not. Ryan, or what you call him, 'the gay one'.

You weren't the most attractive person in the school but you were pretty up there, there was multiple people that liked you, three guys and two girls but you didn't want any of them, you wanted sana.

It was summer break but it was almost over so you had about a week to plan this out, you talked to ryan about it, he said to do whatever you want, your original plan was to go up to her with flowers but that's too.. bold for now.

So you came up with a plan, a note. youre putting a note in her locker, you wrote it down and took a look at your hand writing before re-writing it a few times just so it'll look better.

'idk if you're into girls at all but, honestly i've had a hallway crush on you since last year and i'm not sure how to feel, plus i'm a year younger so i don't feel like a have a chance but im still gonna shoot my shot here, anyways, enjoy the rest of your day :)

You had made a playlist, not exactly for her but filled with songs that you would want to listen to with her. You put in your airpods before letting out a soft yet quite sigh, leaning back in your chair.

"damn, you've got it bad-" "How. the fuck. did you get here?!" you asked as you threw a pillow at ryan's face, "you know a 'hey ryan! how've your been?' would've been perfectly fine! also, your window is open in rain, what a dumb idea."

"i love rain, what do you mean? now leave!" "so you can simp for sana? sure" he chuckled as you pulled him to the front door and pushed him out. You bit your bottom lip before thinking of what to do after that.

You decided to just let things happen in their own, if it works out then it works out, if it doesn't then- fuck. Now, it was the first day back to school. You kept an eye on her, now that you were sure of where her locker was.

You slid in the note at the top of the locker, you let out a shaky breath before continuing to walk to your first class, which thankfully, was with ryan. You told him that you did it and he freaked.

"SLAYYYY" "shut your gay ass up!" you chuckled before opening your book, "girl- you're gay, you don't do math" "okay just still, opening it makes it look like i'm doing something- i'm still good at math! i just don't like it!"

"ew, i forgot you like math" "shut your mouth, you whore, i like english more" "whatever, nerd." You rolled your eyes before putting your airpods in, completely ignoring what the teaching it talking about.

You opened a book you bought with you, heartstopper, volume 3. You started reading it but placed volume 4 on your desk to read it after, once you had looked up there were a few math questions on the board so you wrote them down.

Solving the questions before closing your math book and continuing with heartstopper, ryan chuckled making you look over at him, "over there dummy" he mumbled as you looked at where he pointed.

You pulled his hand down as you saw Sana sitting on top of one of her friends desk, of course she was skipping. you wondered how she even got good grades but you ignored it, you just gave ryan a little glare before looking back at your book.

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