Celebrity Crush - Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

You were a member of Iz*one, ever since pd48 you've always talked about how you love tzuyu, whenever anyone asked about your celebrity crush, your ideal type, it was always tzuyu. But there was always a question in interviews.

Why? Why did you like her? Just because she's pretty?

No. You always shut that assumption down.

You always said,

'She's pretty, yes. she's absolutely breathtaking, even without makeup, but i like her because she's kind, she shows compassion, not only to humans but to all living beings, animals included. She's talented, her voice is soft and soothing. She's good at dancing, she speaks mandarin, i do as well. I just like her as a person, she's really.. i don't know. i just really like her. For the little things.'

People have coo'd over your admiration for her, it's been going around for a few years.. but there was finally a response. Tzuyu was asked in an interview.

"Tzuyu, do you have someone that's caught your eye? someone you find attractive or maybe someone who is your type?" "um.. yeah actually. there's a girl.. you've probably heard of her, she's in iz*one, her names Lu Y/n.. i think she's really pretty and really sweet."

"really? why do you think so?" "she's good with her words, poetry and stuff.. she's good at art, she's athletic, she's genuinely really talented in her career as an idol as well.. she's charming. yeah, i think she's really cute."

Sana nudged her as tzuyu stopped talking, realizing she was rambling a bit. Teasing 'ooh's filled the interview room as a light blush covered her cheeks. "but yeah, i just think she's cute. and really sweet, she's kind and compassionate too. and she's taller than me!"

"yeah, she is really tall, how tall are you? 1.72m?" "mhm, shes 1.82m" "ooh.. 10cm difference" "she honestly caught my eye during that survival show, pd48 too. she was really charming to me." "as well as to many other people"

"yeah, she was popular, she was what? third?" "mhm, third. and.. have you guys ever talked?" "not yet but, i want to." "interesting"


"in a recent interview, did you hear was tzuyu of twice said about you?" "i did, yes.. i watch all the twice videos" "how do you feel about that?" "im grateful, shocked and honestly.. a little flustered" "you have an award show coming up, twice is coming as well, maybe you guys can talk.."

"maybe" you chuckled at the thought before shrugging.




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