Never again -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

You and your girlfriend, tzuyu got into an argument over something really stupid, but the things is, you guys started arguing a few months ago and it's continues. It hasn't stopped, argument after argument.

"I can't keep doing this!" She finally yelled. She never yells and neither do you, you argue and your voice barely gets louder, she definitely raises her voice. But not once has she yelled at you.

"Do what?" you replied although you knew what she meant. "Arguing and.. us." "what do you mean us? tzuyu, don't." "i'm breaking up with you, we're over." You paused. Tzuyu had already walked out of your shared room.

"I'll come back and pick up my stuff when you're away or asleep." You heard her say before you called her name, but she didn't come back.

It was a few days since you were broken up with you, you still acted okay in the public and in practice but you took the first day off and today off. You were ignoring everyone's calls, even tzuyu's.

Although you did text jihyo and tell her that you weren't coming to practice. You heard your front door open, it was around 5pm and you finished showering 2 house ago. You dried you hair and changed but just laid back down.

You didn't even bother check who it was, you just laid on your back and stared up at the ceiling. Until a knock was heard, "leave me alone." "y/n, baby, please." You heard tzuyu call out as you went silent.

You felt your heart being sore as your voice got stuck in your throat. You wanted to tell her to leave. But you couldn't. It didn't work. She walked in and saw you laying on the bed.

Tzuyu sat on the bed, right beside you as you turned to her, a soft sigh left her lips before she bit them. She quickly grew teary eyed at the pained look across your face. "why're you crying?" You asked as she didn't answer.

Just shaking her head before placing a hand on your cheek, "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, please." You heard her voice crack and it was slightly shaky. You knew she meant it. You pull her down and wiped her tears away in response.

"you better not leave me again." "i wont leave ever again, it doesn't matter how bad an argument is, i'm not leaving, not now, not ever. i'm sorry so just walking out like that, and.. i'm sorry i yelled at you, i never meant to"

Tzuyu had laid down beside you as she pulled you into her arms, you turned around to face her is your head as resting on her chest. She left a soft kiss on the top of your head before mumbling.

"i love you." the two of you quickly drifted off the sleep in each other embrace, just like before. Just the way things should be, but before you both fully went to sleep. "don't leave me again, please."

You whispered as she nodded, "never again, m'love."

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