Late night talks -Nayeon

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Third Person Pov:

You and Nayeon just got out of practice at midnight. You guys showered, got ready for bed and laid down, facing each other before you started speaking.

"Yeonie?" "yes baby?" "you wanna know something?" "what is it?" "are you sure you wanna know?" "i think so? is it a bad thing?" "It could be"

"Okay, now i'm nervous, what is it babe?" "You're everything to me" "Eww.. you're so sappy" You pouted with a slight whine as she chuckled.

"I'm just kidding my love, you're my everything as well" She mumbles before pecking the corners of your lips making your heart race. "You still get nervous when i do that?"

Nayeon asks and you nod "Seriously? we've been dating for 8 years!" "And somehow we're not married yet?" You replied as she paused "That's your fault!"

"You could propose too!" "true but what if i was waiting for you to?" "then.. you should tell me when you want to get married" "what if i told you i wanted to get married now?"

"Then we get married sometime in the next year" "get me a ring then!" "you said what if?!" "I'm preparing you for the sudden moments!" "is there a rush or?"

"I'm kidding, there's no rush, we can get married whenever, as long as we're happy together" she replied with a smile. "Honestly, i can't believe it's been 8 years"

"And it's been the best 8 years of my life, i still remember during our trainee years it was so obvious that we were crushing on each other but we were so blind"

She chuckled as you shook your head, "If only i confessed faster, it would've been 9 years" "Are we old?" Nayeon asked as you raised an eyebrow,

"Are we?" "i don't even know at this point" "Shu" you called out of no where before Nayeon replied "butterfly" "i love you" "i love you more"

"Are you sleepy at all? we had a long day at practice today" Nayeon mumbled as she caressing your cheek, "No, are you?"

"Nope, just wanted to make sure you weren't forcing yourself to be stay awake" "if i was tired i would tell you, you know that" "why do we act like an old married couple"

She groaned as you chuckled "Maybe because we are" "are we old though?" "i thought we've gone through this?" "we're not married either" "i'm saying we act like one babe"

"Oh, i'm deaf then" Nayeon mumbles as she tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, "You look very.. in love over there" you teased as she smiled,

"Because i am, you're so precious y/n" "As are you darling" "can this be one of those nights where we can just talk until sunrise and then we get ready for practice"

"do you know how tiring practice is gonna be?" You replied as she shrugged, "I don't care, i just wanna have a late night talk with my girl" "alright then, whatever you want"

"we can go to sleep if you're tired though, don't feel forced to do this" "i'm alright for now, it's you that i'm worried about" You muttered under your breath but she heard you clearly.

"Don't worry about me, i'm the one that came up with the idea so i'll be fine" You nodded as she pecked your lips, "Now.. i have a question" "which is?"

"Do you want to have kids? if so how many?" "Uhm, im not sure, i don't really like kids but apparently i'm good with them and they like me so i haven't really thought about that yet." You replied as she hummed

"I can tell, i remember when we visited those little kids and you just laid down while a little boy walked over to you and crawled into your arms then the both of you just laid there the whole time"

You smiled at how well she remembered the situation. "Personally, i thought it was adorable." Nayeon says as you shake your head, "I don't like kids though"

"You're so good with them! you have little siblings and you once helped a random little boy with a suit and got him flowers to give his crush! you would an adorable mother"

"YOU would be an adorable mother, not me!" You defended as she smiled "We would be great parents" "i doubt that" "what's that supposed to mean?!"

"That child first word would be 'Shibal' love" You smiled as she slapped your arm "owie!" "Language!" "whyy?" "what if we do have children, no swearing aloud"

"but why? that would be a great first word!" "aish- i bil-eomeog-eul saekkiya" (aish- you fucking son of a bitch) You gasp as she smirks. "that's so mean!"

"Very well deserved though" "what did i do to deserve that?! i was just asking a question!" you asked as your eyebrows furrowed. "you wanted our non existent child to swear!"

"Exactly! non existent! i wanna go back to the sappy stuff now, can we?" you pouted as she shook her head with a light laugh. "Sure, love. what's on your mind?"

"You" "you're so in love with me" "who wouldn't be" "you're cute" she mumbles and she runs a hand through your hair making you hum.

"Feel good?" "mhm" you reply making her laugh "you look like a baby" "is that a compliment?" "hmm.. maybe?" She smiled as you chuckled.

"you're my baby though" You smiled in response making her giggle, "you look quite comfy there" "you're gonna make me sleepy if you continue playing with my hair"

You whispered as she shrugged, "that means you're tired, get some rest my love, like i said don't feel forced to stay up with me" "No, i want to stay up with you which is why i'm telling you to stop"

"Want to or can?" "Hmm.. depends" "what? it's a simple question and that doesn't answer it!" She laughs as you smile, looking at your smile, she could tell you were getting sleepy so she pulled you into her arms.

Putting your head on her chest as you listened to her speak as well as her heartbeat. "Sleep baby, i can tell you're tired" "No" you whined as she shook her head.

"We can do it tomorrow instead" She mumbled before you sighed and agreed knowing that she would end up convincing you to do so anyways. "Goodnight my love, sleep well"

Nayeon whispered before pecking the crown of your head. "you too, goodnight yeonie" "mhm" And with that, you both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Not knowing a few of your friends, waited until you fell asleep to take photos of the two of you being so in love with each other to tease you guys in practice tomorrow.

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