Arrangement -Mina [requested]

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Third Person Pov:

You were apart of the richest family company in all of Korea, while Mina was apart of the Japanese one. They arranged you two to get married at once she turns 21. You're 3 years younger. You would only be 18.

You've met 4 times when she was 16, 1 time 18, 3 times 19 and now, which is 21. Which means you've only met 8 times, and you know nothing about each other. The companies were also tied with the biggest mafia's of each country.

But the public didn't know that.

Not yet.

You're upset. You're 18 and getting your love life stripped away from you, you don't get to meet the one you love, fall in love naturally, have good times together. Mina's angry because she doesn't believe in love.

Her parents always argue over the company but act like the best couple in the public eye, mina knows she has to do the same. But she liked being alone. She hates the presence of someone else. She hates your presence.

So imagine how hard it was to send her all the way to korea and move into a house with you, alone. Suddenly, you didn't see your parents for a day, then a week, then 2 weeks. It's been a month now that you two have been living together alone.

The wedding is in 2 days.

"i don't want a damn wedding! cant we just sign papers?!" Mina said as she crossed her arms over her chest. This is the first time you've both seen your parents in a month.

"mina, behave." "sorry.." she mumbled, sitting back down, her arms still crossed over her chest. Her jaw clenched. You glanced at her, she's undeniably attractive. "what you looking at? don't fucking look at me."

You scoffed. "i barely took a glance at you." "and? glancing is still looking, if you haven't noticed yet. oh my god! do you see why i don't wanna marry her? she's dumb! and she's like 3 years younger than me!"

"what the fuck? how am i dumb? we do the same level and amount of work! we're like the same!" "as if! get on my level!" "ugh!" "arg!"

"mina!" "y/n!" "behave!" you both mocked as both sets of parents all said it at the same time, making you and mina glare at each other and the parents glared at you two. "you guys will have your wedding in two days and that is final!"

"fine." "whatever."


After 4 months of this, you had your first big argument about this marriage.

"why the fuck do you hate me so much!?" You grumbled through your gritted teeth.

"you're ugly, you're immature, you stole my freedom, you're fucking stupid, you're annoying, you suck at everything, you talk too much, you distract me, you're just- ugh!" Mina yelled back as her jaw clenched, her eyes rolling.

You both glared at each other.

"you stole my freedom too." "sure, but i'm not immature about it." "really? because of anything you complain more about us getting married then i do." "because it's so stupid. i don't fucking believe in love. so why are they forcing me to love you. you're not even- like-"

"at least you don't believe in love. i do, and i always wanted to fall in love with somebody and i got that stripped away from me!" "that's exactly why you're immature. love doesn't exist, you dumbass. if you love someone, they don't love you back."

Said Mina, uttering the complaint that she's been talking about for months.

You scoffed.

"You're so heartless."

"Why, thank you, darling."

"Don't call me that."

"Why? What's wrong.. darling?"


"Yes, love?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Sure, darling."

"Oh my days!"

"It's night time, love."

You scowled as she grinned.


2 months after that incident both of your parents are over. Which means you have to at least fake your love for each other.

This the the only time when you don't call Mina by her last name. Not in front of other people.

While mina still calls you like how she usually does, only adding one more thing. 'princess' You hate it. She knows that. She loves watching you cringe and squirm at the name.

Mina came back from work as you were cooking, the parents were chatting and watching from the living room how you guys would greet each other, mina walked over, placing her hand on your waist as the other hand held her jacket.

Kissing the side of your neck, closer to the back.

"Hey, princess."

You turned around to face her, mina's jaw clenched as she stared daggers at you, she hated this part but she braced herself before leaning in and leaving a soft kiss on your lips as you leaned back a little, turning around more.

Your lips connected into a deeper kiss instead of just a quick peck, you pulled away before it got too much as mina unintentionally chased after your lips, making your lips meet once more.

You pulled away quickly, glaring at her.

"shut up. i didn't mean to do that."

Mina grumbled so only you could hear, you giggled as if she was flirting with you. "sure." you said as you turned back around, continuing to cook as she went to put her stuff away.

The way she chased after your lips..

It made you think,

Maybe she does love you,

Maybe she fell for you..

The way you fell for her.


another mommy mina imagine
requested by my boo Little_Jihyo

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