Insecurities -Momo

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Third Person Pov:

You and Momo had a date planned, honestly you and momo didn't want to go anyways, you guys wanted to just stay home. Momo could tell, but you didn't wanna say anything because you thought she still wanted to go.

She decided to change and then go to you, it was a simple black dress, very classy, it shows your body shape so she thought it would be the perfect thing to wear for this.

She put the dress on, styled her bangs, brushed out her hair and put on very light makeup. She walked into your shared room, seeing you looking at your phone, grabbing some perfume.

You turned to Momo, a smile immediately spread on your face. "You look cute" you mumbled as you walked towards her. "hey? you alright? you seem off" You whispered as Momo shrugged.

"Do you think i've gained weight?" She asked as your eyes widened in shock. "what? no, baby, who told you that?" you asked confused as you sat her down on the bed, kneeling down infront of her.

"i don't feel.." "take your time sweetheart, it's okay" "i don't feel good about my body and i just, i don't know. I don't feel pretty" Momo explained making you sigh.

"honey, you're honestly the most beautiful person i have ever seen in my entire life. We can stay home if you want to, i'll make you feel like the most beautiful person ever, because you are."

"You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend and you have too" She whispered as you shook your head. "no, i'm not, and i mean it from the bottom of my heart. You really are the most beautiful person i have ever seen. Let's just stay home for the night, yeah?"

Momo nodded as you stood up, pulling her up as well. "get undressed, my love. I'll change here, what do you wanna wear?" you asked as Momo pointed to the hoodie that you were just wearing earlier.

"babe, pick a cleaner one, i just wore that earlier" "no, it's not dirty, you just put it on for bed night and changed out of it, it's not dirty" she muttered as you sighed, passing it to her.

A smile appearing on Momos face. you whispered a small 'cute' to yourself but Momo heard it, making her blush and grab a pair of sweatpants and going to the washroom to change.

Once both of you were done changing. you pulled Momo onto the bed, laying her down and tickling her sides. "Say you're beautiful!" You said as Momo shook her head, the cute little laughs she let out made you crack a smile.

"say it!" "okay! okay! i'm beautiful!" Momo yelled out as you pulled your hands away from her sides. "and so are you baby" she whispered, booping your nose.

Pulling you into her arms. "you mean the world to me and i love you so much" Momo breathed out looking at you with so just love and admiration in her eyes. "i love you too" You replied, Momo leaving a soft kiss on your lips.

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