Im sorry -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

This was the first time tzuyu's ever seen you actually upset with her anf when i tell you, she was PANICKING. Poor baby is actually so stressed, but everyone says that you have the right to be mad.

Tzuyu asked your best friend about your past relationships, and although it wasn't a big problem, it's the fact that she asked your friend instead of asking you herself gave you the feeling that she didn't trust you.

Because you actualky held a reputation of being a player although it wasnt true, tzuyu took part of listening to even trusting those rumours. And that was the moment you thought she was starting to believe them too.

You genuinely felt like she saw you as a player just like the rest did, so when you left the room, tzuyu hesitated to go after you but ended up going.

She found you as soon as you left the building. "baby, listen-" "why didn't you ask me? you could've asked me, but you didn't, why?" Tzuyu sighed as she reached out to you.

"No, why? why did you ask her and not me? did you not trust me enough to ask? i'm confused. i don't know, i need a little air, okay? i don't wanna think about this right now. I'm just confused on why you asked her about my past relationships."

"She said you were loyal to me so-" "I know what she said." You cut her off as she sighed. "Why?" you asked one more time as she mumbled. "i don't know, i wasnt thinking properly" "so you texted her and asked about it? while you were talking to me?"

Tzuyu didn't know how to respond as she saw the tears in your eyes, a pit grew in her stomach, having a feeling that she messed this up pretty bad.


You sat on the hotel bed as she sighed, her nails were long as her fingers were on your face, keeping you looking at her.

"I'm really sorry, baby." "Can you please ask me next time? i dont like feeling like you don't trust me, it doesn't feel very good." You mumbled into her stomach as she nodded, scratching your head softly with her nails.

"Mhm, i'll ask you if i'm ever curious about something, yeah?" "Promise?" "I promise, baby." Tzuyu spoke before leaning her body back so you're looking up at her again, she leans down, kissing your lips a few times before kissing your forehead.

"I love you lots, okay?" "mhm.. i love you too"

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