Dahyun as your gf

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Kim Dahyun As Your Girlfriend:

- Keep on calling her Tofu, it's her favourite nickname, mostly when you say it.

- She gives you/let's you wear her hoodies, jumpers, sweaters, etc.

- The most extra gf you will ever have

- A cute softie but then again her duality is scary sometimes, even to you.

- Kisses. Keep on giving them to her, she loves them, even if you don't, she'll give them to you, but make an effort to give it to them.

- Always pokes your cheeks or pecks them to wake you up.

- Calls you cute or pretty 24/7

- Cute and weird pet names/nicknames

- Screaming/yelling pet names or at you to get your attention. Exp: "BABY. I LOVE YOU."

- Your contact name on most of the members phone is 'Tofu's baby'

- If you were a twice member, she would sing your lines and if you had a solo dance break she was mimic the moves to tease you.

- Her lame jokes somehow always work on you which make her so happy for some reason.

- Her jokes will get worse everyday but will still tell you them just to you see you smile at her jokes.

- She loves your expressions/reactions when she tells you her jokes.

- She's lowkey your gf and your bsf at the same time

- It doesn't matter how long you've been dating for she still gets flustered by you

- If she dyed her hair a colour she'll convince you to get matching highlights.

- Does your hair all the time even if you don't want her to.

- Once's celebrating your anniversary like it's a birthday, it's the best thing ever.

- If you're still studying, she would pick you up from school as much as possible and watch you study, if you're off task, she'll scold you but gives you a small break every 30 minutes. (5-10 minutes of cuddling)

- If you're insecure about some part of you, she'll kiss it all the time or make a lame yet comforting joke about how much she loves you.

- Uses the 'honey' and 'sweetheart' card when she wants something.

- If you play sports, she'll watch you practice and come to as many games as possible although it's kinda hard to go without people noticing. (You usually only invite her to friendly ones where fans aren't watching)

- She steals your custom hoodies with your last name and team number on them (if you play sports)

- She buys you so many converse it's crazy. (If you don't wear converse you're not gay, period)

- If you wear glasses, Dahyun will buy you new ones that she finds cool or even custom ones.

- She'll make you wear jewelry with her name and shirts with her last name, because she finds it cute.

- If you call her short she'll attack you. Not literally. she'll jump onto your back though.

- Finds it hella attractive if you do martial arts, proud asf if you're a black belt in one.

- If you're cold, she gives you her hoodie, it doesn't matter how much you refuse, she'll win and give it to you.

- Will be so confused if you chose a math major in school or chose to study math.

- Would try all of your hobbies with you

- The members would laugh at your relationship because of how funny yet cute it is

- We all know she looks being called queen so when you need anything, you call her "my queen" or "my darling" but her favourite casual pet name is 'princess' because it's connected with queen.

- Will literally tease you 24/7

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