Tattoos -Chaeyoung

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Third Person Pov:

You and Chaeyeong met in the company a few years before debuting in twice together, in your first date you went to this beach that had a huge rock that you can sit on to watch the sunset.

Ever since then, you guys always went back there on your anniversary, every single year. You were planning to go there today since it was Chaeyeongs birthday and you just wanted to go there and remember your first date, thinking about how far you've come.

But it was just the plan, chaeyeong usually just slept with a sports bra, no shirt. You used to do that before you stopped doing it, you don't know why but you don't do it anymore, but besides the point.

You were laying on her chest as she held you in her arms, you stirred before fluttering your eyes open, like you always do in the morning, to wake her you trace everyone of her tattoos.

The soft rays of the sunlight give you just enough light to notice every little detail of them as you jump from one to another, she doesn't say anything but she does stir a little and just watches your eyes focus on her tattoos.

A smile growing on her face, this has now become a routine and one of the best moments of both of your days, sliding down you focus on your favourite tattoo of hers, the strawberry lips on her wrist.

You slid your hand back up going to go to her eat but paused when you saw something on her waist, you moved her arm, noticing one you've never seen before, a sunset with a date right below it, '04/19/16' the day you started dating.

"we've always watched sunsets and our first kiss was also during the sunset so now it's become my favourite part of the day because of you" Chaeyoung whispered, staring at you with such adoration in her eyes.

Now this, this was your favourite tattoo.

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