Chapter 5

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Vi pov...

"Can you please just forgive him...?" Scott whined as we were sitting in the back of the Uber. "Why? Why do i have to forgive him... I can be civil for your sake... I told him when i gave him his flowers back, that i would be nice when in the same room but that is it. Why are you trying push this...?" I ask him but Scott does not look at me. I groan as suddenly it hit me... 

"He is going to be there tonight, isn't he?" I ask and Scott turns bright red. "I didn't invite him, one of my friends did..." He started but i cut him off holding up my hand. "Since when have you known?" I ask a little annoyed. "Since this afternoon... When he asked if we should go together." He mumbles looking all guilty... "Scott..." I groaned. "Why didn't you tell me at least give me the chance to just not go." I say and he sighs. "I just want you 2 to get along..." He said pouting and i sigh as i know that they are close. I realize if i want Scott in my life i have to accept that his brother is going to be there every now and then to... "Okay I'll try... But i am begging you dont keep things from me again i like to make my own decisions." I tell him...

"Okay but can i advocate for him for a second..." Scott pleads and i sigh and nod... "He is really sorry and normally isn't like that. He was just under allot of stress. He found out that the woman he was dating was cheating and basically just used him to further her career." He says pleading his brother's case. "Okay.... I have to admit that kinda sucks." I mumble... "I know it is no excuse but just to let you know where his mind set was."  Scott ads... "Yeah, yeah... Stop pleading his case I'll be nice." I say and Scott smiles...

We arrived at the bar and Scott walked me in. making me smile as he opened the door for me. We saw the group and joined them. I hugged everybody and when Chris was the last one i held out my hand for him to shake... "Let's start over..." I said and he gave me a small smile shaking my hand. "I am Viola, people call me Vi." I said and in the corner of my eye i saw Scott smiling from ear to ear... "Chris..."  He said blushing still shaking my hand. I ignored the sparks not wanting to feel those sparks. I had to admit when he was being polite, he was charming. That boyish charm that had many women week in the knees. His eyes were friendly and this gorgeous shade of blue that looked right through you. 

I pulled my hand back and we all ordered drinks. Chris stood next to me a little bit too close for my liking as his arm brushed mine every now and then sending little sparks through my body. I ignored it. 

We had a few rounds of drinks, laughing and joking. To my surprise i was having a good time seeing another side of Chris. The alcohol was getting to me as we were on our 6th round of drinks and 4th round of shots. "I'll be right back..." I said walking away to head to the toilets. 

I went to the toilets and freshened myself up. As i walked back a man bumped into me, he smelled of booze and was unsteady on his feet. "I am sorry sweetheart..." He said coming to close to me and i took a step back, but as i tried to walk along he grabbed my arm. 

"Let me buy you a drink princess." He said a grin on his face, still holding my arm and slurring his words... "No thank you... i have to get back to my friends." I said trying to pull my arm out of his grip, but it only made him tighten his grip... "Oh come on princess..." He said pulling me closer and it hurt... "Just one drink..." His grip tightened even more and i knew it would be blue in the morning... "You are hurting me." I said struggling against him and trying to break free... 

"You heard her... Let her go..." We all of a sudden hear and the man turned around. Chris stood behind him and was towering over him. Finally, the guy let me go and i rub my arm.

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