Chapter 28

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Chris pov...

We had just arrived in LA and were sitting in the backyard, enjoying the view relaxing and unwinding from our flight. I go inside to get us another drink and as i walk back out i smile. Sitting on the edge of the pool with Vi is now Dodger and Lulu. With the sun going under it is almost a painting and i can't resist taking a quick picture, setting it as my background. 

I walk out and hand Vi her drink, scooting Dodger over and sitting next to Vi again. She leans her head on my shoulder. We sit there in silence watching the sun go under, both of us not saying a word. I loved that about Vi, we could be silent together. Just enjoying being around each other neither one of us having to entertain the other. It feels... Right... Like this is how it supposed to be. 

Other times we are just laughing or talking for hours, Vi is so incredibly funny and so easy to talk to she never judges and never pretends to be something she is not. As much as i like to talk about politics she hates it, but nevertheless she is willing to listen and engage in conversation. But she is not shy to tell you when she had enough and not afraid to admit when she doesn't know something or to ask questions. 

The sun finally disappears, as i look at Vi i can see she is getting tired. The stress of flying and being in new surroundings wearing her out. "Wanna go to bed?" I ask her. "No..." She says letting out a big sigh. "I like it here..." She whispers as her head still lays on my shoulder.  We sit for another half an hour before finally getting up and going inside. 

As we lay in bed Vi wrapped around me, snuggled into me as much as she can. I can't deny or put it off any longer. I love her and i need to tell her even if it is too soon. I need her to know that i love her more than i loved anyone ever. "Vi?" I say checking if she is still awake. "Hmmm..." She answers. "I need to tell you something..." I whisper... "What?" She says propping herself up a bit. 

"I know it is soon and i know it may sound crazy but.... I love you." She is quiet as she looks at me with those big, beautiful eyes not saying a word. "You dont have to say it back..." I start to stammer. "Like i said, it is fast... but i do i really love you and i just wanted you to know... Wanted you to know what you mean to me and..." 

She puts her hand over my mouth stopping me from rambling. "I love you to, Chris" She whispers before removing her hand and planting a soft kiss on my lips. "You do...?" I ask as she pulls away a little. She nods and kisses me again. "I do..." She whispers.... "I love you to." She kisses me again this time passionate and hungry. 

Our hands roam each other's bodies and i roll us, so she is now laying underneath me. We sit up a bit and i pull my shirt she was wearing over her head before kissing her again... Soft and slow wanting to savor every moment of it. She loves me... I think to myself and i  can't help but smile into the kiss. I pull down her panties before removing my own boxers. 

"You're so beautiful..." I whisper before diving in for another kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer our bodies now pressed together to achieve maximal contact, our bodies sticking together but we dont care... I love her and as for some miracle she loves me... She loves me... i think again. I hoist her right leg up hanging it on my hip as i slowly sink into her our kiss never breaking as we want contact all over her arms around my neck her hands in my hair tugging at it a little. I sink in deeper and deeper until i am all the way buried into her. I groan as i kiss her again not moving to gain control over my body. 

"Please move, Chris..." She moans and i start moving slowly while we exchange soft sweet sloppy kisses. We make slow unhurried love not wanting to rush. Just wanting to feel each other. "Fuck you are so amazing..." I whisper and she puts her hands on both sides of my face. She smiles kisses me again. "You're not so bad yourself Mr. Evans..." She whispers. 

I chuckle, plant another kiss on her lips. She giggles as i continue planting kisses all over her face before moving down to her neck nipping at her skin. I smirk as is see goose bumps form over her body. "I love that you are so reactive baby..." I whisper and she blushes. "I love you smile... I love the way you blush at a compliment..." I whisper as i keep moving in and out keeping my thrusts agonizingly slow. "I love how you make me feel when you look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours making me feel the luckiest man on the planet." I hum... 

I kiss away the tears that are now running down her cheeks. I know she is not crying because she is sad or in pain. I know she is crying because to her this is new and maybe a little overwhelming but i need her to know. "I love you so much Chris..." She moans as i feel her walls tighten around my dick. "I love every part of you..." She whispers. I kiss away a tear. "Sorry i am not sad..." She whispers. "I know love, it's okay... Just feel it." She wraps her legs around my waist giving me a better angle but i never speed up i wanna be inside her and feel close for as long as i can. 

"Promise you will never hurt me, Chris..." She moans making me look her in the eye. "I promise love... I could never intentionally hurt you." I kiss her and she smiles. We are both close our moans getting louder and it takes every ounce of self-control to not start slamming into her. I never was someone who liked slow sex, but God it feels amazing this is not just sex ... or lust... This is love... This is how i imagined it to be as you really loved someone. I know i said, i love you to a few girlfriends before, but it never felt like this... I bury my head in her neck as i can feel my dick twitch. "Let go Chris..." She moans in my ear, and we come together both bodies shaking as i release my load inside of her while her walls milk me dry. As we catch our breath, i am still inside of her... Not wanting to lose contact i kiss her with everything i got. She smiles as she holds me tight. After i while i roll off of her and as i lay on my back i pull her close and soon we are asleep.

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