Chapter 95

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Vi pov...

No this could not be happening it thought to myself as i sat up in the bed. Chris was still in a deep sleep as another sharp pain ran through my body. It is too early, i thought to myself and laid back down. Probably false alarm.... Another sharp pain and all of a sudden i felt the bed getting wet... "Chris!" I said shaking him, the only response was a groan. "Chris!!" I said a little louder and he shot up. "My water broke..." I say with panic in my voice.  "Okay dont worry, I'll go get our bag and help you get dressed and then we call John from the car to meet us in the hospital." I nodded but looked at him scared. "It is to early.... I still have 3 weeks to go..."  I whisper. He looked at me and cupped my face planting a soft kiss on my lips. "Sometimes babies just come early love, nothing to be worried about." I nodded and he helped me up and got me the clothes that were laying on the dresser for this moment.  

After he got me dressed, he sat me down on the bed. He grabbed our go bag before holding out his hand for me to take and walked me to the car. "What about the dogs?" I said as i sat in the passenger seat and he was about to close the door.  "I call Scott after i called the doctor..." I nodded and he closed the door walking around the car and getting behind the wheel. I was in awe at how calm he was. 

Another sharp pain and i tried to breathe through it. Chris started the car and drove off calling the doctor telling him we were on the way. The doctor said he would go to the hospital right away and call the nurse we had arranged to be there to. He then called Lisa telling her we were on our way to the hospital and after he hung up, he called Scott asking him to pick up the dogs in the morning. 

He held my hand as he drove to the hospital and i didn't want to but i squeezed hard as another contraction washed over me. "Breathe love..."  He said in a calm tone of voice. 

We arrived at the hospital and i started to slightly panic as i saw the doctor who wanted me to stay in the hospital, standing at the front desk talking to a nurse.  He looked at me and i looked away not wanting to acknowledge him. "Dont worry love. He won't be our doctor... Just like we had discussed with the hospital." I nodded but still wasn't sure about it and i hated that he was here. We told the nurse why we were here, and she smiled at us. Just as she was about to make a call for us to be brought up. Our doctor and nurse walked through the door and i let out a sigh of relief. They told the nurse they would take me upstairs to check me in and the nurse smiled and wished us good luck. 

"Let's get you upstairs." John said smiling. Chris rolled me upstairs in the wheelchair i was sitting in, followed by John and our nurse. 

We got situated in our private room and doctor Klein that would do my delivery with John came to say hi. She was really sweet, talking trough everything and making sure that i was comfortable. John had told her about my previous experience in this hospital. 

Then there was a knock on the door and the doctor that was mine the last time i was here, put his head around the corner. Like nothing had ever happened he smiled and walked in. "Hey..." He said very chipper. "I just wanted..." But he got cut off by Doctor Klein and dragged out while Chris and Doctor John tried to calm me down as i was now fully panicking.  Chris was staying calm but i could see he was fuming. When i finally had calmed down and Doctor Klein came back in, ensuring me that he would not be back. That the hospital would deal with him as he had been specifically told to stay away. 

She and John checked me out and now it was a waiting game until i was far enough along to start pushing. The doctor also ensured me the baby looked fine and that there was no reason to panic about being 3 weeks early. They repeated what Chris had said, that sometimes babies just wanted to come early. They left and Chris sat down beside me holding my hand as we just had to wait.  "I love you..." I said as another contraction came and Chris chuckled. "I love you to, love." He said kissing my hand. "I just wanted you to know because if this is going to get worse i am never doing this again and call you every name in the book while i give birth." I said trying to breathe through the pain. Chris laughed. "You can call me anything you like, love..." I smiled at him, and he kissed my hand again. 

Waiting felt like it took forever and i was uncomfortable. Chris did everything he could think off, helping me trough. He was amazing, although every time a contraction came i was ready to kill him. I cursed him for putting me through this and all he did was take it.  He is taking it with a smile what kinda pissed me off more, for some reason.  On doctor's advice i tried to rest as much as possible. We were here already for 12 hours and still... No baby. I was so tired that i would doze off every now and then, but really sleeping was not in the cards. No matter how bad i wanted to... I have to admit the nurse and Doctors John and Klein, where amazing... But right now, i just wanted them to get our baby out of me. I was done, i just wanted it to be over. 

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